If you were anywhere near twitter yesterday, I’m sure you came across a tweet or two thousand that were hashtagged with this: #tweetyour16yearoldself. Now I’m not usually one to jump on a trending twitter bandwagon, but hoo boy, I began to think of 16-year-old Ali and how much wisdom 32-year-old Ali could give her. I ended up only sharing one really, really important piece of advice on twitter
Oversized flannel and Doc Martens do not flatter ANYONE. #tweetyour16yearoldself
But there’s so much more I need to tell myself.
Your love of pop culture and writing is not useless. One day it’ll BE your career. #tweetyour16yearoldself
You will still love Kurt Cobain just as much as you do now. #tweetyour16yearoldself
One day you will love your body. Mostly. #tweetyour16yearoldself
One day you’ll be cool. And one day you’ll watch the movie where that line is from. And it’ll change your life. #tweetyour16yearoldself
Don’t offer to drive to that Cranberries concert. It won’t end well. #tweetyour16yearoldself
Bangs will not always be a bad idea. #tweetyour16yearoldself
Get the braces now so your mom will pay for them. #tweetyour16yearoldself
Just because bagels are FAT FREE doesn’t mean they are a wise lunch choice. #tweetyour16yearoldself
One day they will sell stirrup jeans at the Gap. And yes, it’s as awful as it sounds. #tweetyour16yearoldself
Friends is a really good show. Give it a chance. #tweetyour16yearoldself
Stop experimenting with home hair color. #tweetyour16yearoldself
Don’t overpluck. #tweetyour16yearoldself
Read The Grapes of Wrath, not just every other chapter. #tweetyour16yearoldself
Some people peak in high school. You are not one of them. #tweetyour16yearoldself
One day you will be so incredibly, ridiculously happy. #tweetyour16yearoldself
You will not believe what happens to those kids on The Mickey Mouse Club. #tweetyour16yearoldself
Call your parents more often. #tweetyour16yearoldself
You will still have dreams about Jordan Catalano. #tweetyour16yearoldself
Invest in Apple stock. And Starbucks. And Target. #tweetyour16yearoldself
No matter what you think, you have great boobs and a great ass. #tweetyour16yearoldself
Stop chasing after people who don’t know you’re alive. They aren’t worth it. #tweetyour16yearoldself
Stop brushing off the people who want to be with you. They might be worth it. #tweetyour16yearoldself
Don’t lose touch with your best friends. You will regret it forever. #tweetyour16yearoldself