Isabella: I know why you are an editor, Mama. It’s because you like to tell people when they are wrong. Right?
Me: Right.
Right. Â
It’s true that I do, often, correct my loved ones, but I don’t even enjoy it anymore. It’s like picking at the skin near my nails or scratching my head while I watch TV or checking twitter on my phone or drinking a giant morning coffee. Uncontrollable urges; things I can’t help. If you are related to me and you misuse an I/ME/MYSELF, I am going to call you out on it. If you use the word BRUNG in my presence, I will call you out, and I don’t care how many other first graders are witnessing.
“He came with my dad and I.”
“My dad and me.”
“No, you weren’t there, Ali. And either was your dad.”
So, I guess she is a little bit right.
But it’s about so much more. I have loved words just about as long as I have loved anything. There is little more fascinating to me than the idea that letters and words come together to create beautiful poetry and thoughts and feelings and stories. I love being able to play around with the written word to make it better, more lovely, more inspiring. I love putting pen to paper and watching a plain old white page fill up with lovely words like felicity and serendipity and soliloquy and superflous. I love that we know so much of our history because of writing.
I love that when a person sits down to write, whether she is 5 or 105, anything can happen.
“Listen to the mustn’ts, child. Listen to the don’ts. Listen to the shouldn’ts, the impossibles, the won’ts. Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me… Anything can happen, child. Anything can be.†—Shel Silverstein.Â
And because of this, I made a career out of my love of words. I have a degree in publishing. I have spent the last decade+ working with words. I have been reading, writing, fixing, editing, rearranging, listening, organizing, helping, writing some more, reading some more, editing some more.
I have been making things better.
And then making them even better.
And I have loved every minute of it.
And today I am taking my talents to South Beach  opening up a new chapter in my life.
As of Monday morning, I will—officially—be the new Editor-in-Chief of The Yummy Mummy Club. I will be reading, writing, fixing, editing, rearranging, listening, organizing and helping. Lots of exciting things are happening over there, and I can’t wait to share all of them with you; I can’t wait to be a part of them.
I simply can’t wait.
But today I spend the day in pajamas with my three babies. We’re going to bake some chocolate chip cookies (if we don’t eat all of the cookie dough first). We’re going to go outside in the snow and take some pictures. We’re going to cuddle and snuggle and laugh and be silly. We’re going to make some crazy photobooth videos.
And no one is going to say brung.