May 7 07


three different kids. three different sizes. three different brands. three different tastes.

we are officially set for summer.

oh, well, that is, everyone except for me. check out my personal shoe dilemma over at Fabulous.

Houston, we have a problem. everyone’s been noticing that in the last couple week Isabella’s hair sprouting has gone into overdrive. just a month ago she was bald. cue-ball bald. Caillou-bald. and now she’s growing hair. lovely, wispy strawberry-blondish hair. i’m loving it. except for the fact that the growth pattern is taking on a somewhat 80’s pattern…


yes, friends, she’s managed to grow herself a lovely little rat’s tail. overnight! i swear. i will be cutting it this afternoon. it seems insane. to be cutting her hair…since she has so little. but there are certain looks we are trying to avoid and this:


is one of ’em.

  1. On our weekend adventure I came across the seedy underside to mullets… the faux-hawk/mullet combo… shudder

    Comment by SciFi Dad on May 7, 2007
  2. Many moons ago, I had a mullet. Please don’t let this happen to you.

    Comment by Chris on May 7, 2007
  3. OMG! I don’t even know what to say!

    Comment by Kristi on May 7, 2007
  4. wow, sexy mullet, ‘bella. it’ll go quite well with the hot new sandals. 😉

    Comment by lara on May 7, 2007
  5. Aw c’mon, mullets are tres chic. Especially on those under three feet tall.

    Comment by Mrs. Chicky on May 7, 2007
  6. I need to know whose family that picture came from!!!

    Comment by Iris on May 7, 2007
  7. These three could have all played the bad guy in “Back to School”.

    Comment by Sarah, Goon Squad Sarah on May 7, 2007
  8. oh my gawd….I thought that was a picture of mr mumma and his brothers is the eighties. really.

    I’m gonna go lie down now with some smelling salts and a cold compress….

    Comment by crazymumma on May 7, 2007
  9. Lol. That photo is shocking!

    Comment by Bronnie on May 7, 2007
  10. LOL!!! YOu are TOO funny, “ma’am”!!! 😉 LOVE the mullet. And, yeah, time for melon head. Or, at least snip-snip it yourself!

    Comment by Haley-O on May 7, 2007
  11. Thanks for the early morning mullets! LOL!

    Comment by mamatulip on May 8, 2007
  12. Oh, the first hair cut–very exciting! Do post the before and after shots 🙂 Maybe now her hair will grow, what do ya think?

    Comment by Multi-tasking Mommy on May 8, 2007
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