June 26 13

So, our three starter fish and one tank cleaner didn’t quite make it through their first night at Casa de Martell. Apparently, they don’t know everything at Petsmart, since they had us set the temperature on the filter to something that apparently was a little bit too hot tub-like for the little guys. It was a sad, sad burial at sea day over here yesterday. I’m happy to announce, though, that after a trip back to Petsmart to bust some heads, our four new mostly unnamed fish (although I believe they are tentatively called Isabella Jr., Fat Patricia, Cheeto and maaaaybe, uh, Lochte) made it through the night and are doing laps in a much cooler pool—there are no speedos in sight.

We are already in summer mode over here, even though there is still a day and a half of school left. My kids are all “WAH HOW COME WE ARE THE ONLY KIDS LEFT ON THE PLANET WHO ARE STILL IN SCHOOL?!?!?!” and I’m all, “Yippee! You are the only kids left on the planet who are still in school!”

I don’t know how I won this lottery, but report cards are already out, and yet they are still in.


Because as much as I am looking forward to summer vacation—and I am, I really am—I know that my schedule as I currently know it is about to change drastically. And if you know me at all, this control-freak Work At Home Mom thrives on routine and, well, actually having time in my day to get my work done.

As it is, I’m up at 6am so I can put a full two hours in before the kids wake up.

As it is, I’m up at 1am so I can put a full few hours in after the kids go to bed.

Summer mode for me means dinners outside, late bedtimes, more photoshoots, Josh’s baseball games, drinking coffee Nancy Botwin-style, fewer socks and more pedicures for this girl who loathes getting pedicures (see what sacrifices I make for my children?), swimming in the rain…


And my daughters watching Toddlers And Tiaras in the morning before I have had my coffee.

So, I’ll probably just have to give up sleeping for summer. It’s just like giving up chocolate for Lent, yes?

I’m hoping I can manage to keep more than just the fish alive.


  1. Man, those people in the “fish department” at Petsmart. Sometimes they just don’t know what they’re talking about. I hope the new fish avoid sea burials – also, they have awesome tentative names.

    I have no doubt you will have a great summer, albeit sleep-deprived. 🙂

    Comment by aly on June 26, 2013
  2. Oh yes…it’s going to be a great one!!


    Comment by ali on June 26, 2013
  3. They may still be in school, but they don’t go back until later! Although, Chicago Public Schools had their last day on Monday. But that was way later because they had the strike at the beginning of the school year.

    Summer also means I’m coming up to visit in a month!

    Comment by Kristabella on June 26, 2013
  4. In Ontario, there are a minimum number of days that children need to be in school. My kids are in longer than that. (Yay!)

    All schools start here the day after labor day, but some schools finished last Friday and some school were finished a few weeks ago.


    Comment by ali on June 26, 2013
  5. I like your summer schedule. Sounds familiar.

    Comment by Katja on June 26, 2013
  6. It’s a good one, eh?

    Comment by ali on June 26, 2013
  7. I hope these fish make it. And my girls were watching Dance Moms early.

    Comment by Arnebya on June 26, 2013
  8. What is it with Toddlers and Tiaras? My almost 11 year old watches that on Netflix all the time! Over here in southern california, they have switched up the school year and I still haven’t found out why. They got out June 4 and go back August 12. I hate it! I grew up in the mid-west and we had the same schedule as you guys! Our’s out here used to be the same but not anymore.

    Comment by skroll63 on June 26, 2013
  9. When we finally get Chase’s fish tank set up I think I’m going to ask him to name his first two fishes Donald and Bumper. I’m sure he will refuse and we’ll end up with fish name Scooby Doo and Bumblebee. Oh well.

    Comment by Jen on June 27, 2013
  10. We can’t seem to keep our fish alive…so my recommendation is not to get attached to names.

    Oh my damn.

    Comment by alimartell on June 27, 2013

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