over at my other blog, Fabulous, i’m having a little contest.
at the end of each entry over there, i include a song of the day. basically a song that i’m listening to, that i can’t get out of my head, that’s rocking my socks.
what i want from you, dear readers, is something new to listen to. something that you can’t get out of your head. maybe it’s an indie band that no one’s ever heard of. maybe it’s a super famous song that you can’t stop humming or singing to the radio. whatever it is, visit Fabulous, and leave me a song in the comments.
if i pick yours, you win! it’s not a very exciting prize – but it is a music cd made just for you. by yours truly. in the words of Jeff Probst, “Worth playin’ for?”
(this is an idea i stole – well, gently lifted – from Chris. i got a cd from him and i love it)
now back to your regularly scheduled programming.