i should be telling you about how on the day i left for my three days in the city, Isabella had a three-drawer chest fall on her AND Emily dropped what may-or-may-not have been real diamond earring down the bathtub drain AND i dropped my favorite eye shadow (all that glitters by MAC. love) on the tile in my bathroom and it shattered into little dust bits all over the floor and i had to practically sit on my dog to keep him from eating it AND it was 60 degrees in my house and my thermostat was flashing *change batteries**change batteries* and then i couldn’t find any damn batteries, save for some rechargables, so i used those and hoped for the best AND it snowed a foot the night before i left. so i treated myself to an airport limo because holyhell, i deserved it.
and i probably should be telling you about my trip to new york that included such things as being able to celebrate inauguration day at miss Isabel Kallman’s party
(so much pretty those three)
AND spending the day with miss Metalia and kinda sorta maybe getting lost trying to find me a jcrew AND there was something Ed Harris involved AND the husband buying me some not-on-sale True Religion jeans that i have been coveting for months AND my inability to keep my eyes open during a photo op AND getting my new Nikon D40 and how i lost my gloves and, well, you are just going to have to come back tomorrow for the NYC stories
and i probably should tell you about how much i LOVED both Milk and Gran Torino.
and i probably should tell you that when Jason Barr said “the US President Barack Obama” this morning on the radio, i cried giant weepy tears onto my steering wheel because oh.my.god. Barack Obama is President!
but i won’t.
i have something far more pressing to tell you.
what has now removed all embarrassing ali stories from being number #1. and you know it’s going to be a good one, since, well, i AM the one who peed in a McDonald’s coffee cup in my van in front of my kids at the US/Canadian border…oh yes i did.
well, last night the husband and i took the subway to Penn station + braved the crowds in order to take New Jersey transit to save ourselves the $77 cab ride to Newark airport. ($77! insanity) and since we didn’t know how long it would take us, we left a little early, getting us to the airport at around 10 to 7 for a 9pm flight. but, huzzah! there was a 7:30 flight we could get on if we ran!
so, run we did. but, not before i made a pit stop to pee…because i do not pee on airplanes. i will hold it for HOURS. so, i quickly peed and ran onto the plane. when we landed in Toronto, i got up to file out of the airplane and my husband started snickering.
and then he started laughing.
and then he said he wished he had a blog because this would SO be going on it.
and then he handed me the foot-long piece of toilet paper that WAS STICKING OUT OF THE TOP OF MY JEANS!