Monthly Archives: November 2013


When my best friend broke up with me, I cycled through a tremendous amount of the mostly expected feelings. I was angry, I was hurt, I was confused, I was lonely, I was sad. I ate my feelings, and then starved my feelings. I cried, I screamed, I suppressed. But…

And Just Like That, Fire Was Caught

I took the two bigs to see Catching Fire last night. Isabella got to stay home and go to swimming lessons instead. She passed her level, though, so I guess there’s a slight sliver of a silver lining. She passed the same level that her brother did not pass and…

Big Day For Small Miracles

Yesterday was kind of a big day for small miracles around here. I managed not to murder a certain annoying stuffed animal in cold blood, I MacGyvered up a pair of black boots with a Sharpie, I didn’t breathe for an entire hour during Sons of Anarchy, I ate fish…