Monthly Archives: May 2013

Important Things: Showtunes and Birthday Cake

Yesterday I turned 35. My kids think it’s a BIG birthday, but, alas, the big one will actually be arriving 5 years from yesterday. Truthfully, though, the thought of 35 would have sounded so incredibly old to my 16-year-old self, but at 35 I feel, well, young. And pretty damn…

The Dances

Before I move on with my day, with my work, with this silly good-for-distraction post, I must take a minute to pause and reflect on what happened in Oklahoma yesterday—the destruction, the devastation, the children. Oh, the children. We were just sitting and giggling about tiny, silly earthquakes that make…


Fifteen years ago today I could not even legally drink. I was 19-years-old. I was young and in love. I was swept up in a very romantic story. I had little girl dreams of a white dress and then, of course, a white-picket fence. I didn’t care that we were…