Monthly Archives: December 2012

The Great Egg Nog Challenge of ’12

So, on the eve of the 34th Chrismukah, I am here making pretty grown-up decisions. Hmmm, let’s go to the YMCA and have a good workout instead of sleeping in. Hmmmm, let’s not take our chances on any of the desserts that may or may not be nut-free. (Nothing says…

On Giving Up On Books. On Persevering.

It fills my heart with nerdy joy that I’m raising three voracious readers. It’s possible, actually, that I may have created monsters. At first it was just Josh, my kid who would stay up all night to finish a book he had already read three times. (Josh, circa midnight, any…

I Do Believe I Got a HINT Instead of a Gift

The last few days have been a bit of a haze for me. I’m slightly under the weather and have been plagued with some sort of stomach gnome-y adventure so, sometimes it’s hard to understand what Instagram is actually doing with my pictures when I’m breathing deeply and willing myself…