Monthly Archives: April 2012

Different Drummer He Marches To

I receive many, many emails from my children’s school—early closings, performances, graduations, Scholastic book orders. Truth be told, though, because there are six teachers between my three children, and I often receive the exact same piece of news from all six of the teachers, I tend to skin most of…

Why I Cried at a Mexican Restaurant. And Why I Will Never Answer My Door Again.

He knocks on my door. I open it only a tiny bit—I know not to let strange men into my house. He flashes an Enbridge logo and clipboard and says he’s here from Enbridge to check our water heater. I know not to let strange men into our house.  But,…

I Don’t Even Know What He’s Talking A-Boat Anymore

My son has developed something I never expected— —a full-fledged Canadian accent. So, for example, let’s say that I was saying the following, which, of course, it completely hypothetical because I am not sporty and I don’t really like ice cream: I played hockey in my socks with Josh and…