January 11 12

When you straddle the lines of hipsterdom (hispterhood?), you also straddle that fine line between liking being a hipster…and being slightly ashamed of your hipster tendencies.

(As I sip my PBR.)

(In my cardigan and Chucks and skinny jeans.)

(While looking at typography.)

(And coveting a fixed-gear bike. In baby blue.)

(And reading Pitchfork.)

(On Google Chrome.)

When I bought my vintage 1950s frames in 2009, in my mind I was ahead of the curve. Yes, yes, I get how the time-space continuum works and that since my glasses were manufactured in the ’50s, I am not really ahead of any curves, but instead, about six decades…late. But, you see, in my little neck of the woods, in suburban Toronto, nobody was wearing them. Original, I was. And I liked it. Even if I got some comments on my site that said things like, “Your glasses are horrible.” Yeah, that stung. A bit. Until I remembered that my glasses were freakin’ awesome. And so was I. So that settled that. And my lovely glasses served me very well.


Glasses like mine started popping up a little too often for my taste.

And my inner hipster yelled RUN!

And once I quieted those annoying voices, I realized that it was time for something new. I have grown so much over the last two years and I decided that maybe it was time for something smaller, something different, something a little less Miss Blankenship (may she rest in peace) and little more Harry Crane.


The difference is subtle, I realize.

But it’s enough to calm the voices.

I am just a wee bit in love with them.


And I know my Bubbie would be too.

What a hipster she was…

  1. Gorgeous, Ali. I always think the highest compliment when I get new glasses or a new haircut is if people don’t even notice, because this new look is “so me”. Those glasses are “so you”!

    And start the countdown…the Hamm let the Mad Men season premiere date out of the bag… how many days until March 25?

    Comment by Jennifer on January 11, 2012
  2. The new glasses look hot, your bubbie looks like a wonderful lady, and the man on your left (your grandfather?) looks so very proud of you.

    Comment by Jen on January 11, 2012
  3. HA! That picture at the bottom is actually MY MOM and her parents. Funny, eh? 😉

    Comment by ali on January 11, 2012
  4. No way! I thought it was one of those hipster photos done up to look vintage, but you are apparently so hipster that I cannot tell the difference between a faux vintage pic and the real thing.

    Comment by Jen on January 12, 2012
  5. Sassy. I like a sassy lady. They’re more fun to be around. You must take after your bubbie. 🙂

    Comment by zeghsy on January 11, 2012
  6. Haha…You are such a hipster that I had to Google (not Google Chrome, mind you, just the basic search engine 🙂 PBR, Pitchfork and fixed-gear bike!!!

    By the way, Urban Dictionary defines PBR as follows: “Pabst Blue Ribbon is a lot like the band Bright Eyes, Hipsters love it, but everyone else thinks its liquid shit.” Which just seems unfairly harsh to me. After all, Ali is drinking it!

    Anyway, I’ve been bad about reading and commenting lately (I know, I know…), but I just felt compelled to do so today. I often (when I get a chance to read it) find your blog to be a breath of fresh air, plus a chance to learn all these new hipster things! Keep on truckin’ (how un-hipster a thing to say is that?)

    P.S. Just read the other comments. That’s your mother?!?!?!? Wowzers, crazy resemblance!

    Comment by Renee on January 11, 2012
  7. Love, love, love them!

    Comment by JenLive on January 11, 2012
  8. Love them!

    Comment by Shan @ the fairy blogmother on January 12, 2012
  9. You need NEEED to find a coat like Bubbie’s.

    Comment by Angie [A Whole Lot of Nothing] on January 13, 2012
  10. […] I’m going to run my first race. I’m going to read 62 books. I’m going to wear my new glasses. I’m going to celebrate my year anniversary of being diet-coke free. I’m going to watch […]

    Pingback by » Chinese (Food) Wisdom Cheaper Than Therapy on January 13, 2012

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