January 2 12

I’m watching An Officer and a Gentleman for the first time.

(Because I am slightly embarrassed that I have never seen it.)

Because I am am sick in bed with an ear infection.

At least that is what I have diagnosed myself with. But I’m pretty sure that’s what it is. I have been feeling some sort of ear pain in both ears when I swallow and I just sort of assumed it was a cold or sinus something-or-other and it would go away. Only it didn’t really go away. And then I flew home. And then yesterday afternoon I started feeling dizzy and pukey, like I had just been on roller coaster, only I hadn’t really done anything other than drink coffee, unpack suitcases and watch my nieces play the Disneyland game on our new Kinect.

So, I hopped myself up on Xanax and Gravol and went to bed at 7:30.

And woke up at 9:30.

The next morning.

Where I have been since then. Every time I try to get up, I feel sick. Pukey, ache-y sick.

And my ears, you guys. It feels like there are elephants stampeding from the inside.

So, that’s that.

I’m sick.

And I’m watching An Officer and a Gentleman.


That’s the goal for 2012, people.

You see, making resolutions about exercising more and eating fewer cupcakes and drinking more water and spending less money on clothing and being more adventurous and writing novels are all over the internet right now. Promises about money and weight and food and writing and climbing mountains. Promises that are not for me. It’s not that I’m not interested in being better about budgeting or about what I stuff into my gob or doing things that scare me, but those goals seem like something to add to a list because they sound good. But they are just a bit too nebulous for me.

I need concrete goals; tasks that I am likely to actually, you know, accomplish.

I can say I will exercise more, but I won’t. I will exercise just enough. I can say I will drink more water, but I won’t. I will drink just enough. I can say I will call my family more, but I won’t. I will call them just enough. I can say I will climb a mountain…but who on earth are we kidding?

But these are things I can say:

In 2012, I will finish watching The Wire.

In 2012, I will watch Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

In 2012, I will not check my email while driving.

In 2012, I will comment on 20 blog posts a day.

In 2012, I will get dressed every day, even if I don’t leave the house.

In 2012, I will not feel guilty about unfollowing people who don’t interest me.

In 2012, I will take at least three photography classes.

In 2012, I will clear off my desktops—both the virtual and the actual ones.

In 2012, I will not cut bangs, no matter how cute they look on other people.

In 2012, I will read at least 62 books, one more than I read in 2011.

In 2012, I will not see any movies about Chipmunks.

In 2012, I will follow #18 on Woody Guthrie’s list of 33 things to accomplish in 1942; his “New Years Rulin’s”

Yes. I will STAY GLAD. 

I am, by far, the happiest I have ever been. And, good golly, I want it to stay this way. I go to bed smiling and I wake up smiling.

And in 2012, I will watch An Officer and a Gentleman.

And maybe I’ll quit self-diagnosing and actually go to see my doctor.

What are you doing in 2012?

  1. Earlier this year I started reading about 20 posts per day – I only comment if I have a comment that actually means something. I hate those “good post” comments. But that’s just me.

    For me – this is the year I write a book. The outline is already started and it’s only January 2nd. I hope it goes better than my tap dancing from last year.

    Comment by Sharon on January 2, 2012
  2. I HATE comments like that. I never leave them. The same way I write my posts answering the question of WHO CARES? I do the same with my comments…I need to add something, yanno?

    I made a pledge to comment on 20 a while ago..and have been doing it since and I love it. giving back a little bit of love.

    Comment by ali on January 2, 2012
  3. 62 books is an amazing goal 🙂 I love the idea of having concrete goals because they seem more attainable and measurable; I really tried to do that with my list this year too.

    I might join the 20 comments a day bandwagon, because I get so bad at just being a lurker and never commenting. This is a great goal too!

    Comment by Laura on January 2, 2012
  4. Yay for resolutions that are awesome. You got me started on the comment thing. I try. I am successful about 4 days a week at getting to 20. Will do better this year. Happy New Year!

    Comment by Jana A (@jana0926) on January 2, 2012
  5. Wow! Sixty-two books, that is awesome! Very basically because I haven’t written my list yet, I want to run more, read more, comment more, knit more and raise more money. Oh and I’ve never seen An Officer and a Gentleman either.

    Comment by Shan @ the fairy blogmother on January 2, 2012
  6. In 2012 I will celebrate your birthday with you. YIPPEE!!!

    Comment by Meghan on January 2, 2012
  7. In 2012, I will stop accidentally saying “f*ck” when my kids are near me.

    *Starting on January 3, because I f*cked up twice a day already.


    Comment by Loukia on January 2, 2012
  8. Hahaha. LOVE THAT.

    Comment by ali on January 2, 2012
  9. In 2012, I will finally finish watching “The Wire” (one season left, and honest to God, I still don’t know for sure who everyone is!). I will also have my children professionally photographed. I’m ashamed to think how long it’s been since I’ve had their pictures taken. I wrote a big long list of things I’m going to do this year. I’ve decided to call them goals rather than resolutions because then I won’t feel so much pressure…even if I do feel pressured to finish “The Wire” and get it off my dang DVR already!

    Comment by fadkog on January 2, 2012
  10. We just finished season 1.
    I’m dying to start season 2, but my husband has been too busy building a backyard skating rink..

    Comment by ali on January 2, 2012
  11. You’ll never know who they all are. Wikipedia is your friend.

    Also, season 2 is completely different than season 1. Stick with it.

    Comment by Kristabella on January 3, 2012
  12. We absolutely LOVED season one. The last 5 episodes or so were amazing! It had a very slow start…but we loved it…and I know who everyone in season 1 is…so that’s a plus!

    now I get to start season 2 and learn about 100 new people.

    ALSO, d’angelo barksdale’s mother really looks like she could be his mother. Just saying.

    ALSO, I am PISSED about Wallace. STILL PISSED.

    Comment by alimartell on January 3, 2012
  13. In 2012 I will run no less than three 5Ks (I’ve never run a 5K in my life) and I plan to improve my time with each one.

    Comment by Alison on January 2, 2012
  14. For 2012 I have the following list planned:
    – make a list of things to accomplish in 2012 (a little behind on these resolution-things)
    – get more active on Twitter
    – consider bloging again
    – actually finish all the Christmas-present before December 1st (I was still wrapping on December 20th this year..)

    I may take some inspiration from your list, I hope you don’t mind.

    Also, if I can have it my way, I plan on having a bun in the oven by the time we reach December 2012. But that depends on too many variables to put it on a list.. 😉

    Enjoy your day! 🙂
    – Hallie

    Comment by Hallie on January 3, 2012
  15. Getting dressed every day is also on my resolution list. Not having to be seen in public has made me pretty lazy about sweats and not doing my hair, so I’m trying to get dressed and make myself presentable every single day. Although I will likely take Saturdays off.

    And I want to comment on more blog posts. Because comments are awesome.

    Comment by Mrs. Wilson on January 3, 2012
  16. I have never seen “An Officer and a Gentleman” either. I don’t really have any desire to, though.

    I fully support your decision to watch Buffy this year. Stick through the first season, and it only gets better and better after that.

    Comment by Avitable on January 3, 2012
  17. I haven’t made any resolutions. I would like to start with giving up on hitting the snooze button 100 times in the mornings. I used to get to work 30 minutes before I do now. I would like to get back on that schedule.

    Also, wash my face every night before bed.

    Comment by Kristabella on January 3, 2012
  18. I made no resolution this year but I really should. I guess the one thing I should resolve to do in 2012 is remove myself from my home once in a while and make a friend in this new small town (~300 people) we just moved to. Not an easy task for a introvert who hates going outside in the cold, and it apparently gets to -40 here.

    Comment by Jenn on January 3, 2012
  19. Should have read this and not gone to see Chipwrecked today with the kids. There’s 2 hours I won’t get back. And we had to sit in the front row. Because that many idiots like myself got to take their kids to it. I wanted to see “We Bought a Zoo” but there were no takers…

    Good luck with all your resolutions! I like them!

    Comment by Kathy on January 3, 2012
  20. I don’t make resolutions. Mostly because it’d be the first thing I’d stop doing. I’m stubborn like that.

    I’ve gotten bad about 20 comments a day, but I’m going to get back to it. That and responding to people who left me comments. I used to do that all the time and I haven’t in months.

    I swear to you if they make a 4th Chipmunk movie I’m revolting.

    ps. Dizzy generally means infection when it comes to ears. That’s how I tend to know I need antibiotics. Which I’m on day five of.

    Comment by Issa on January 3, 2012
  21. I need to watch The Wire. I probably also need to be productive since my knees are aching from sitting in the same position to read for the past few hours. Reading is productivity, right?

    Comment by Amanda on January 3, 2012
  22. I also haven’t see An Office and a Gentleman…though having been an avid Bachelor fan over the years, I must say I feel like I have. (Andy’s season, anyone?)

    Also, The Wire is next up on my Netflix queue! Unfortunately (fortunately?), I have all fall TV that we missed for the past four months–including some new shows like Homeland–to make it through first.

    Comment by Camels & Chocolate on January 3, 2012
  23. […] I guess I need to assume that because I started watching The Wire in 2011, I go in knowing things. And I do. I know that Omar dies. I know that season 2 is […]

    Pingback by » Spoilage Cheaper Than Therapy on January 4, 2012
  24. I think this is one of the best 2012 lists I have seen yet!
    I vow to get dressed everyday, even if I don’t leave the house, too.
    I wish I could read that many books. I will set a much lower goal of, I don’t know, like… 10. Ok, there I just did it – my goal is 10.
    I will stop talking about running a half marathon, and actually do it. But if I don’t, thats ok too.

    Comment by Amy on January 5, 2012
  25. […] It’s like I’m Dr. Brown right now.) I plowed through 11/22/63 this weekend. After I made the resolution to read 62 books in 2012 (which is one more book than I read in 2011, for those of you wondering why I decided on such a […]

    Pingback by » Starbucks For Free, 11/22/63, and THE ALL CAPS Cheaper Than Therapy on January 9, 2012

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