May 27 11

You see this right there?

I’m not 100% sure if you can see what’s happening here, what with the grainy photo and the circus contortionist pose I had to get into to be able to pull my pants out and take the shot, but, well, this is to show you what happens when you lose ten+ pounds.

(No, I’m not looking for sympathy. I promise.)

I made a decision a short while ago that I was going to begin taking care of my body. I was going to stop treating my over-thirty body like it was a spry college student who could binge on beer and fried chicken and then turn around and drop 5 pounds in a day by not eating anything but a handful of Cheerios. With a medical professional sharing alarming words like “high blood pressure” and “you need to exercise” and “watch your salts” I knew I needed to get off of the couch and get moving and I needed to start making better choices about what gets stuffed into my gob. For my heart. You see, I have three short people in my life who want me around for the long haul and don’t want to be sitting in hospital waiting rooms worrying about their mama.


I started ellipticizing. I started taking the stairs instead of the elevator. I stopped drinking Diet Coke. I started eating more fiber and lean meats and veggies and less, um, cocoa puffs and Girl Scout Cookies as meals.

I have honestly never felt this good. In the past few months, I have had significantly fewer panic attacks. I am less bloated. I am chewing fewer and fewer TUMS every day. I feel strong and healthy. I don’t want to sit on the couch all day anymore.

There are, of course, two side effects that I wasn’t expecting. I seem to have all but lost my sweet tooth and I don’t think I’ll be able to wear pants to work anymore. Because, dude, no one likes a saggy bottom. It’s not a good look for anyone, especially someone just shy of 5″2.

It’s going to be dresses and skirts for the rest of the summer. Now if only Mother Nature could get this memo….

  1. Good for you! Now I see you running that half marathon 🙂

    Comment by Naomi Jesson on May 27, 2011
  2. Ha. No. No more running for me. I hate it…and it destroys both my shins and my heels. Not worth it for me; I wish, though. I would love to be A RUNNER!

    Comment by alimartell on May 27, 2011
  3. Never say never 🙂

    Comment by Tamara on May 27, 2011
  4. Good on ya, Ali. No pants is a small price to pay for feeling great.

    Comment by Tamara on May 27, 2011
  5. Ali – wow! good for you, looking great! I quit diet coke cold turkey a few years ago, and now just have the occasional diet root beer on the weekends. I eat pretty healthy, but the one thing I need to get rid of is the artificial sweeteners. Its scary how much of that stuff I eat.

    As for the weather – I hear you!! Paging mother nature…..I’m running the half marathon in Ottawa this weekend and don’t want to be running in the rain!

    TGIF 🙂

    Comment by Jayme @ Runner-n-Spice on May 27, 2011
  6. You look awesome! I am so proud of you and I’m hoping that I can adequately follow in your footsteps. Says the girls who is up at 5:45 so she can exercise before the boys get up. WHO AM I?!

    Comment by Meghan on May 27, 2011
  7. Good for you Ali! You look great and I am glad you feel great too! Now if only I could kick my own Diet Coke habit…

    Comment by Shannon on May 27, 2011
  8. It’s amazing how much better I feel without the diet coke. The first month was HELL and now I think I have fully kicked the habit.

    Comment by alimartell on May 27, 2011
  9. Good for you! I’m debating giving up my diet Mountain Dew, but sweet heaven, I drink so much of it that I think it makes up 80 percent of the liquid in my body and the detox would be hardcore!

    I’ve been working out six days a week since February (except for today. today I’m thanking a sudden bout of the flu for taking care of things for me) and recently put on a pair of shorts that, when I turned around to check out the business in the back, made me look like I was wearing a giant cartoon diaper, so equal parts ‘hooray!’ but gah, I need new clothes! I could definitely go for a pantsless summer!

    Comment by fadkog on May 27, 2011
  10. Good for you! I need to get back on the exercising kick! It’s amazing how much good it does! I feel so much better and not as slothy.

    Comment by Kristabella on May 27, 2011
  11. You had me at fewer panic attacks.

    Comment by Maria on May 27, 2011
  12. MARIA. It was, by far, the BEST unexpected side effect ever.

    Comment by alimartell on May 27, 2011
  13. I seriously need to get on this like, yesterday.

    Also, you’re so cute. <3

    Comment by Maria on May 27, 2011
  14. Wow! Good for you!! And there’s nothing wrong with skirts and dresses all summer!!! So so jealous, but in a nice way of course 😉

    Comment by Gabriella on May 27, 2011
  15. I stay away from pants, too, but for a completely different reason.

    Comment by Avitable on May 28, 2011
  16. Good for you! You look amazing, lady, and I can totally relate to the less stress thing. I work out so I won’t yell at my kids!

    Comment by Karen Sugarpants on May 30, 2011
  17. Good for you.You’re so lovely,cute and active

    Comment by Haley on May 31, 2011
  18. High five!

    Comment by Sensibly Sassy on June 3, 2011

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