Monthly Archives: February 2011

In 6th grade, I went to see New Kids on the Block in concert…

Oh yes I did. I wore my black leggings and converse all-star hi-tops and my sister’s giant down-to-my-knees black-and-white houndstooth sweater and my black Joey Jeremiah hat over my horrific perm. I was a big fan of that horrible hat. (Yes. I know. There are NO words.) I sang through…


Well, this weekend started with a pregnancy test. A negative one. By Friday, when I was officially 6 days late, I sent my husband to Rexall to both refill my prescription for Tricyclen Lo and to buy a two-pack of pregnancy tests. Yes, the pharmacist realized the irony of the situation (“Well,…

Write The End. Destroy Some Chips. Win $25,000.

We are big fans of Doritos at our house. The truth is, we are big fans of any snack that leaves our fingers orange and cheesy. We have tried every flavor. Cool Ranch. Sweet Chili Heat. Zesty Taco. Spicy Nacho. Jalapeno. Even Cheeseburger. Yes, even Cheeseburger. 99.9% of the time…