March 1 10

I know it was kind of a tease to just give you a thumbnail, but here’s the thing…I haven’t actually even seen it yet.

Take a minute to digest that little nugget.

Yes. I bought a house in the Toronto suburbs while holed up in my sick bed in Atlanta. I would have been on a plane the second we began the negotiation process, but since queasiness and I are not a good combination on a good day, I figured the last place I should probably be is on an airplane. But, here’s the thing. I told our agent exactly what I wanted.

A nice kitchen. (Bonus: Stainless steel appliances and dark wood.)

A backyard that isn’t postage-stamp sized (Bonus: If I can’t see into our back neighbors’ bedroom, it’s a WIN. We had very large, very uninhibited neighbors. It was not pretty.) It’s big! It overlooks the ravine and no naked people! I mean, granted there is a kind of scary shed that the husband says is for things like lawn mowers and other outdoor trinkets, but I have seen all the horror movies…I know that sheds are the thing of nightmares.

Lots of windows! Lots of open space! Molding! Pillars!

A finished basement.

I think she delivered, don’t you?

I am putting the husband on an airplane this morning to be there for the inspection. But, honestly, it’s really so he can take some more pictures for you all me.

If you want to see more of me – and, I mean, obviously, you do – you can read my latest entertainment news over at Juice, my latest outfit over at The Urban Closet, my latest advice over at So You Want It, and my latest blathering over at Aiming Low.

  1. It’s gorgeous Ali – I’m so happy for you it looks as if you have found the perfect house!!

    Comment by Sarah on March 1, 2010
  2. Holy crap, I am so jealous! And excited for you at the same time! (But maybe more jealous, sorry.)

    Comment by Zoe on March 1, 2010
  3. So you head back to Toronto? Seems like you JUST got to Atlanta! You must have whip-lash. This is so stressful!!!


    Comment by Linda on March 1, 2010
  4. I didn’t realize you were moving – how exciting!! Though I will miss having you in ATL, I so enjoyed meeting you last year!

    Comment by Katherine on March 1, 2010
  5. Awesome! That house looks amazing. Hopefully this move will open up lots of really good things for you and your family!

    Comment by MBonn on March 1, 2010
  6. can your agent find ME one of those!

    Comment by rayli on March 1, 2010
  7. Love the new house!! Congratulations!

    Comment by Leslie on March 1, 2010
  8. Agreed… sheds are for meat hooks and serial killers.

    Comment by Bekah on March 1, 2010
  9. Wowee, I love that house! Congrats!

    Comment by Sensibly Sassy on March 1, 2010
  10. What a great house, Ali! But like the rest of Atlanta, we will be sad to see you and the family leave!

    Comment by Darcey on March 1, 2010
  11. Beautiful house. I think I missed something though – did you say you are moving back to Was that the plan?
    .-= Kathy´s last blog ..So far a much better week =-.

    Comment by Kathy on March 1, 2010
  12. Holy crap it’s gorgeous! Congrats!

    Comment by Jen on March 1, 2010
  13. First of all, how many online writing gigs do you have, woman? You are a MACHINE.

    Secondly, that house? Looks PERFECT. Except for the Scary Shed (SS), which totally cracked me up because I think it looks like a perfectly cordial shed.

    Comment by Kerri Anne on March 1, 2010
  14. Looks great! So where is it?

    Comment by SciFi Dad on March 1, 2010
  15. HOLY MF – that house is all kinds of gorgeous. How far out of the city did you have to go?
    .-= kgirl´s last blog ..The Visit =-.

    Comment by kgirl on March 1, 2010
  16. That looks like a gorgeous house. isn’t it amazing that you can go through at least the initial steps in choosing anew home from hundreds of miles away?

    Comment by feefifoto on March 1, 2010
  17. Wow! it’s absolutely beautiful!

    Comment by Bronnie on March 1, 2010
  18. Oh, I love it!

    I also love that you’re coming back to Canada. You’ll be clear across the country, but still.
    .-= Angella´s last blog ..Flying Solo =-.

    Comment by Angella on March 1, 2010

    In total seriousness, there is nothing too good for you and your family. You guys so deserve it, and I’m over the moon you’ll be living in what looks like an HGTV dreamhome. And yesplease, more pictures!

    Comment by becca on March 1, 2010
  20. A small part of me was really hoping that you were going to stay in Atlanta, but I kicked that small part’s ass.

    Comment by Avitable on March 1, 2010
  21. Dude. Sheds ARE scary. Taylor wants to put one in our back yard and I’m fighting it. Weird shiz resides in sheds. But the house, the house is AMAZING. So exciting!

    Comment by Kaleigha on March 1, 2010
  22. it looks beautiful!

    Comment by Tammi on March 1, 2010
  23. ali, it’s beyond GORGEOUS!!! omg, so pretty! i love it! congrats!
    .-= jennster´s last blog ..i know i suck lately =-.

    Comment by jennster on March 1, 2010
  24. So pretty! Make sure Gabe takes photos of my room! 🙂

    Comment by Kristabella on March 1, 2010
  25. Oh, thank heavens! I was thinking you meant “a new house in Atlanta”. Can’t wait to have you back home! Congrats on the new house… it loose gorgeous!

    Comment by Nenette on March 1, 2010
  26. congrats…but i liked knowing i knew other bloggers inside of 285. i guess i get a few more months, right?

    Comment by muskrat on March 1, 2010
  27. So it looks like I am finally going to visit Canada.

    Comment by slynnro on March 1, 2010
  28. What a gorgeous place. Hope you have many happy days in it. Oh and yes I’ll be waiting for the new photos!

    Comment by Catch the Kids on March 2, 2010
  29. I’ll echo everyone else by saying “WOW! That’s beautiful!”

    Toronto will be happy to have you back. How did that happen so quickly? Was that the plan?

    Comment by mapsgirl on March 2, 2010
  30. Mazel Tov! That is great news and the house is absolutely stunning. Hope the inspection goes well.

    Comment by Jen on March 2, 2010
  31. OMG!!!1!! You got The House!! Yay!! So happy for you, and me. I can’t wait for you to be back in Canada!


    Comment by sam {temptingmama} on March 2, 2010
  32. Gorgeous. So happy for (and envious of) you!!

    Comment by pgoodness on March 2, 2010
  33. That’s fantastic! Just gorgeous.
    And also unnerves me. We sold ours 2 weeks ago and haven’t found anything yet…

    Comment by Christine on March 2, 2010

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