Monthly Archives: October 2009

I’m shredded. And not in a Jillian Michaels kind of way. But I like biking. Who knew?

So, I was totally getting into a good running groove. I was going early in the morning just after the school drop off. I had run just under three miles and first time and just over three the second time. I was totally going 4 yesterday. and even though it’s…

I told them that I was king of the where the wild things are. They just didn’t want to listen.

It’s 9pm on Sunday night and I’m already in sweats and in bed buried under at least 3 quilts. I am watching the Falcons game and desperately trying to stay awake long enough to get my Sunday evening dose of my boyfriend Don Draper. From earlier this week when I…

I guess preschoolers don’t notice laugh lines or crow’s feet.

Occasionally, I look at pictures of myself and no less than 30 seconds later I am googling “common side effects of botox.” The thirties – thus far – have been great. A good friend once told me that my life would begin at 30, and he may not have been…