Monthly Archives: February 2009

an awfully big adventure (or: bomb. dropped.)

When i married my husband almost 11 years ago, i made what i considered (and still consider) to be a huge sacrifice. i moved to another country, gave up my family and my friends and my college to become part of his. (and trust me when i say that any…

help me help my feet and my boobs

I’m slightly embarrassed to tell you about my history with exercising. it looks a little something like this… ali joins a gym. ali gets all super excited about the gym and actually! goes! ali falls in love with the inner and outer thigh machines. ali even gets brave enough to…

a there’s-no-sugar-in-pixie-sticks and zoo-popsicle kind of family day

it’s Family Day in Ontario today. aha. another one of those silly Canadian made up holidays. see also? Simcoe Day in August. an excuse to give us a day off. you don’t really see me complaining. oh, wait, it’s a holiday but FedEx is still working and the delivery dude…