Monthly Archives: November 2008

toronto is just like new york…without all the stuff…*

husband of the year award will likely go to mine, for he not only brought me chicken wings for dinner (mmm…chicken wings…), he also willingly went to see a 10pm showing of Twilight with me last night. Willingly. no force. no bribery. nothing. he was willing to go to the…

this is not a post about motrin. or mommy bloggers. or wearing your children.

sometimes advertising is just BAD. like those Bell “ER” ads. WHAT? what do the letter “er” have to do with Bell? or how about the ads that are just SO bad you can’t understand what team got together and thought “Well, you know! this is GREAT!” like those tampon commercials…

the fruit commandments*

if you’ve ever read this site before, you know i’m no stranger to bizarre food issues. if it’s your first time here, hi, i’m Ali, and i have bizarre food issues, especially where fruit is concerned… fruit does not belong in dessert. There are, of course, a few exceptions to…