April 9 08

i want to move.

i’m fairly certain this is some sort of genetic defect. i am not the only one. i know plenty of people women who suffer from this. constantwantingtomoveosis. or there’s also the equally as debilitating, constantwantingtorenovateosis.

i don’t want to renovate. i want to move. when we bought our house, we got a great deal on it. there were divorce issues and drug issues and the owners just wanted out. so, we offered them a price we never thought they’d go for, and they took it. We were thrilled. we, and our walking baby Emily, were outgrowing our 850 square feet of space and couldn’t believe how much space our 2,950 square foot new house had! we had a backyard and a porch! 4 bedrooms! and huge kitchen! it was amazing.

and then we moved in. and realized all the shitty things that come from owning someone’s old house. shower leaks. half-assed basement jobs (i swear, the doors to all the rooms in the basement were all cut about 4 inches too short). a fridge that had a life of its own. the GREEN carpet in the family room.

the Napoleon fireplace AKA the eyesore.


the roof that needed redoing. the exterior paint chipping.

so i’ve been on mls, um, pretty much since the day we moved in. and i’ve known in my heart of hearts that we weren’t going anywhere. it wasn’t financially feasible. it wasn’t practical. but, it still didn’t keep me from looking. there’s no harm in that, right? and it still didn’t keep me from sending house listings to the husband. there’s no harm in that either, right? and it still didn’t keep me from visiting model homes and bringing home brochures. harm? i think not! (don’t ask my husband, though. his answer will include many a curse word. ha)

but now, 6 years later…a move is finally within my reach. maybe. we have agreed on a neighborhood, mostly. we have agreed on a price range, mostly. and we have agreed on a time frame, mostly.

it looks like if i can keep my ass out of the mall (yikes. i don’t know if that’s a possible feat) we might be looking at next summer. and this could all just be in my head…

but that still doesn’t keep me from looking at these today….

ah…looking at houses…kitchen, bathrooms, closets, offices, basements, backyards, granite, hardwood, paint, tile, appliances….it’s like HEAVEN to me.

  1. Ha! Sounds like me, I swear. Except for the part about the kid.. but even though I knew we weren’t moving it didn’t stop me from looking at houses online, driving through neighborhoods, and eventually touring a house that we totally caved and bought and now we’ve moved. But we’re never doing it again, honest!

    Erin’s last blog post..Baking is Easy

    Comment by Erin on April 9, 2008
  2. that was US 3 years ago. We bought our first house and it was nice, but needed alot fixing up! Finally, after 6 years, we decided to move – and we ended up getting all the things that we would have had to renovate/build in the old house. Heaven I tell you! And it is SO much fun looking! enjoy the dreams ….

    Comment by Sarah on April 9, 2008
  3. O but I’ll MISS green carpet! We’ve had so many good times on green carpet! (That sounded dirty, didn’t it?)

    Haley-O’s last blog post..HALLELUJAH!

    Comment by Haley-O on April 9, 2008
  4. it’s great house-hunting… especially when “mom” is the real estate agent 🙂

    Holly’s last blog post..Idol Sass

    Comment by Holly on April 9, 2008
  5. Are you looking in the same area? There’s some nice new places a bit north of where you generally are now. Move to Durham Region! It’s very family friendly and our house/neighbourhood looks really similar to the pics you posted. And the houses are huge compared to TO and it’s really close to the city for work. We just had our entire downstairs painted last week and I think I’d have a heart attack if we had to do actual renovations 🙂

    Comment by Steph on April 9, 2008
  6. I liked looking at granite, tile, hardwood…all that good stuff. Until we built our house. Now I never want to do that again! Unless of course I win the lottery and can have everything I want with no concerns for budget!

    Now, buying a brand new home already completed would be fine with me if we didn’t have to change schools. But since there are only 300 people in this town, those kinds of things aren’t really popping up all around me. lol

    Maybe when you move you could put down one piece of green carpet…just so we won’t miss all the posts about it? Please? 😉

    Comment by AJ on April 9, 2008
  7. I’am ALWAYS looking for a new house, you know just incase something better comes along, my husband used to freak out, now he just rolls his eyes and goes with it, LOL!
    Hope you find the perfect one!

    mamma knows’s last blog post..an amazing man.

    Comment by mamma knows on April 9, 2008
  8. Ali, I suffer the same disease – this is our 5th house in 11 years! 4th house with kids – and two times we moved, I was pregnant, sigh. We have been fortunate, though, every time we’ve sold, we’ve made a huge amount of money which has enabled us to move “up”, so to speak. Now we are settled for a while as we are a) 800 m from the kids’ school b) 300 m from daycare c) 12 kms from my office d) 200 m to the river and e) within 200 m walking distance to the village centre plus less than 1km from the nicest mall in Perth. Also only 10 min drive to the city.

    But, hey, it doesn’t stop me from looking either, sigh, only wish we had a pool and an extra bedroom!!

    Good luck – assuming you will be staying in the same general area re E & J’s school?

    Comment by Heidi on April 9, 2008
  9. Ali you are so lucky!we moved into our house when i was pregnant with The Changeling and here i thought it was just a starter home but no my hubby will not move.damn! so i am stuck in this house that needs to many repairs and renos done on it.

    Comment by LAVENDULA on April 9, 2008
  10. We have the EXACT SAME FIREPLACE.

    Though mine has hummingbirds etched into the glass. It’s classy.

    Our similarities are getting a little crazy. 🙂

    Angella’s last blog post..Pooping Daisies

    Comment by Angella on April 9, 2008
  11. My husband has the same disease. Although for him it involves moving to another province as well…..

    Myself, I hate hate hate the idea of packing almost 3000 sq feet and kids and trecking to a new home 0 no matter where it is.

    Comment by sleepynita on April 9, 2008
  12. I totally do the same thing, including e-mailing listings to my husband. It’s fun to dream.

    Assertagirl’s last blog post..A quick little post for today, Plain Jane Mom-style.

    Comment by Assertagirl on April 9, 2008
  13. I love the idea of moving, but my husband thinks that I hate him whenever I mention it. Still doesn’t stop us from emailing tempting old house listings to each other, though!

    Rebecca’s last blog post..I forgot…

    Comment by Rebecca on April 9, 2008
  14. good luck with the house search. we’re moving this summer…all due to my husbands curiosity of wondering what we could get for our house. before i knew it our house was sold. i’m already dreading all the packing with two kids!

    Comment by Melissa on April 9, 2008
  15. Those house are GORGEOUS. Good luck with everything.

    She Likes Purple’s last blog post..Things I Learned While Watching The Bachelor Last Night, Part Three

    Comment by She Likes Purple on April 9, 2008
  16. Oooh those are gorgeous houses!! I hope you guys can get into one!

    Miss’s last blog post..SPF – Triangle

    Comment by Miss on April 9, 2008
  17. Are you related to my husband? He spent the 1st year in our current house lamenting that we shouldn’t have left the former one. He’s spent the 2nd year looking for the next house to buy!

    Those homes are beautiful!

    cristan’s last blog post..This is NOT a normal day for us!

    Comment by cristan on April 9, 2008
  18. it’s heaven until you plan to move to another city. and you have to be in a house by the end of the summer. and everything in your price range is tiny and needs a ton of work!!!!! oh, did i mention that we still need to sell our house!

    Comment by age on April 9, 2008
  19. those 3 houses look EXACTLY the same.. i thought they were all the same house. LOL
    they are gorgeous however!

    jennster’s last blog post..the post where i revert back into a 16 year old, joey mcintyre loving, complete and total nerd

    Comment by jennster on April 9, 2008
  20. Ooh, I have that very same problem. I would love to move, but the work it would take keeping our house clean enough to show would just kill me. Aren’t I pathetic?

    Karly’s last blog post..Sweet As Sugar

    Comment by Karly on April 9, 2008
  21. where are those houses?? they look like they’re in our subdivision (i know you’d never move to gtown!!)

    we just bought in january. and sold this house last month in 4 days!!! we move in august.
    i cannot wait.

    Comment by Christine on April 9, 2008
  22. Oh, to dream! 🙂

    Multi-Tasking Mommy’s last blog post..Widening Wednesday Week 14

    Comment by Multi-Tasking Mommy on April 9, 2008
  23. OMG, I can’t get that song out of my head!

    Wendy’s last blog post..at least I know music from the 70’s…..

    Comment by Wendy on April 9, 2008
  24. I have the opposite problem of never wanting to move. And yet moving every damn year. 10 apartments since college.

    slynnro’s last blog post..Scenes from a Marriage- Proud to be a BitchSnob Edition

    Comment by slynnro on April 9, 2008
  25. having never owned my own home I can’t really related. but if I put if in perspective of handbags… I understand how you can always want a bigger, newer, prettier one than before.
    i love looking through open homes too.. has to be in nice neighbourhoods of course!

    Bronnie’s last blog post..My chocca week is nearly over.

    Comment by Bronnie on April 10, 2008
  26. oooh those look pretty!!

    Ambrosiality’s last blog post..Let the Hunt Begin!

    Comment by Ambrosiality on April 10, 2008

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