Monthly Archives: March 2008

“Oof,” said Sam

Isabella has very particular taste in bedtime stories. We went through an all- Dora, all-the-time stage. and then a Jillian Jiggs stage. and then it was Sadie and the Snowman only please. now, she’s hooked on another book. dear god, does she adore the ever-loving crap out of this book….

of b-rate nursery rhyme proportions

we have a situation as casa de martell.  a humpty dumpty situation. y’all already know the story. dude sat on a wall. he had a great fall. and pretty much no one could get the stinkin’ egg back to together again. it’s not the most exciting story, i know. but…

more ali answers than you can stake a shick at

the only person who will get that Tigger Movie reference is my 2-year-old. (can you tell i haven’t had coffee yet today?) well, here it is, the final installment of everything-you-wanted-to- know-about-ali-that-she-forced-you-to-ask. (i know, i know, it’s enough already…) Holly said: okay…. I haven’t searched through all of your archives,…