Monthly Archives: November 2007

in her future, i see braces

somebody, i’m not sure who, but remind me to kick his ass thank him, gave my 6-year-old my cell phone number. i typically don’t answer it when she calls, and when i pick up my messages there are 30-some-odd calls from Emily saying pretty much the exact. same. thing. “hi…

of snoogers and cousins

so, the only thing that Isabella says cuter than her infamous “glubs” (as in “i’m cold, Mommy, can you put on my hat and glubs?”) is her newest word….snooger. which, we’re guessing, is a snot-and-booger hybrid. unfortunately for me, asking me to kindly remove the snooger from the end of…

rock band road trip…and a coup cut!

We are off to Montreal. We are leaving early this morning in anticipation of bad weather (not to mention bad behavior…my kids are beastly on road trips) the entire way there. i’m totally unprepared. I had planned to load-up my ipod with all kinds of new music and force the…