November 5 07

It’s funny that thing about friends. That thing when you get to a certain point in your life and you realize it’s not about how many friends you have, but more about those few friends who mean the world to you.

I’ve spoken about this before. The friends for life. The friends i can be myself around. my complete self. the friends i go out with on sunday nights. the ones whose houses i crash in on. the ones who wiis i hijack (at least until i buy my own) the ones whose leftovers i devour after i’ve done the non-eat at a stranger’s house (come on, you know you’ve done it. gone somewhere and not eaten anything and prayed like hell that the host didn’t notice). the ones i depend on when i feel like crap. and the ones i cheer up when they feel like crap (and will willingly eat my weight in cookie dough for).

They aren’t friends anymore. They are family.

and last night…after myรƒโ€šร‚ย months of begging, they finally caved and took me bowling…I put my foot down. Not as much as this guy is, but still…

(what? i’m from the midwest. bowling is in our blood. like football. and cheese. Go Packers!)

and i kicked all their asses. really, i did.

i’m usually a big fan of the 80’s. not the decade…the bowling score. but last night…two strikes in the last frame! the funny thing is, i have zero form. i don’t bend my legs, i don’t do a little strut. i walk up to the lane and toss the hell out of the ball. sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t. sometimes it likes to fly over into the lane beside us. i soooo wish i was kidding.

we all had a good time. even the ones who had to be forced.

and some of us had a little bit too much of a good time. (and it was NOT because of any alcohol consumed beforehand. no. uh uh. it wasn’t)

also…for the record…i wore my jean skirt and legging outfit out in public for the first time. but, it must be added that i was wearing my uggs. and the 3/4 length legging/white sock combination was only brought out because of the required bowling footwear.

the outfit looked a lot better with these

as opposed to these

and these

you may just have to trust me on this one…

new post up at Fabulous….what my mondays are all about.

  1. The Packers won last night!!! YAYAYAY!!!

    Comment by Dory on November 5, 2007
  2. *wahhhhhh* I want friends like that!

    Cute outfit, btw.

    Comment by Blonde Chick on November 5, 2007
  3. American Thanksgiving is shaping up to be quite the game… Lions/Packers, possibly for the division. GO LIONS!

    And erm… is it wrong that I laughed at the cheesecake pose (the socks + the shoes + two strategically placed bowling balls)?

    Comment by SciFi Dad on November 5, 2007
  4. hahah i bowl like that too and nearly always win and it makes my friends so mad, but i totally get what you mean. (:

    also, the outfit was really cute. (:

    Comment by Shannon on November 5, 2007
  5. NOTHING looks good with those squishy, warm, two-toned bowling shoes… but I do love the pic of you on the desk!!! Gad, I haven’t been bowling in years. It used to be our New Year’s Day routine to go Glow bowling, but since daughter has hit her late teens, it’s no longer cool I guess (but she still goes with her friends, so I can only assume the ‘not-cool’ part is bowling with her parents). *Sigh*

    Comment by Maureen on November 5, 2007
  6. Good friends and bowling sounds pretty perfect!
    It is funny, as soon as I saw that photo of you I thought,’She must have been wearing boots!’ That having to take off your boot and ruining the whole look with my uggers socks thing happens to me all the time. You still looked pretty cute:)

    Comment by Kristen on November 5, 2007
  7. u looked smokin’ last night! ๐Ÿ™‚ and i’m so happy that we went bowling…i can’t believe i’m going to say this…but i really enjoyed it! although i know that what i truly enjoyed was hanging out with my best budds! (as in friends, not beer) ๐Ÿ˜›

    Comment by Tova on November 5, 2007
  8. I totally know what you mean about the friends/family thing. I don’t do a weekly thing (I wish), but there are a couple of my best friends that mean the world to me.
    Glad you liked Bowling. Not my thing … but only cause I suck!

    Comment by Laural on November 5, 2007
  9. Look at you all adorable in your tights and jean skirt… and perfect Farah hair. I’ll bet you had every nerd in the bowling alley adjusting their chubbies all night!

    Comment by jasmine on November 5, 2007
  10. That’s what good friends are all about!

    Comment by Multi-tasking Mommy on November 5, 2007
  11. Okay, stop having so much more fun than me.

    Comment by Rebecca on November 5, 2007
  12. Super Cute outfit. I don’t think I could pull it off! I love bowling myself. It’s great having such wonderful friends.

    Comment by Mandi on November 5, 2007
  13. I totally all, “Oh! She wore the American Eagle outfit!” And then you said you did my comment isn’t going to look as cool. Looks good!

    Comment by Sarah on November 5, 2007
  14. ha! you crack me up. that picture of you lying on the counter with the ball is just hilarious. as to the outfit, i actually don’t see anything wrong with it with the bowling shoes. it’s very… unique. ๐Ÿ˜›

    Comment by lara on November 5, 2007
  15. ahh bowling! its joys are not limited to the midwest. it was one of the rare extra curricular activities available in ruraly New Brunswick in the 80’s, and our local alley was very popular! love your bowling gear – you look very cute. do you think i could pull off Uggs at 5feet1inch and pregnant?

    Comment by amreen on November 5, 2007
  16. You look so good in these pictures, my dear. Hip, young, mama, bowling queen.

    Comment by bella on November 6, 2007
  17. ok .. so looking through these pictures, I would never guess you were a mama of three and that your youngest was only two!! you look awesome Ali! love the outfit…

    oh .. and on fabulous.. I am so jealous .. Saint Lucia .. ah .. I SO need a beach right now!

    Comment by Sarah on November 6, 2007
  18. Go!! Pack!! GO!!!!

    Comment by Ruby on November 6, 2007
  19. You look GORJ in every ONE of those pictures! Whattup with the photogenicness — you and I have a deal NEVAH to look good in pics!!!

    And, are Uggs in, or aren’t they? I was thinking of getting meself a pair, but then I feared it would be another croc-type debacle…. I do love them. they’re so cute and sexy!

    Comment by Haley-O on November 6, 2007
  20. Awesome shots. And bowling totally rocks.

    Comment by Chris Cactus on November 7, 2007
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