July 13 07

my day officially started at 1 o’clock. in the a.m. when miss bella decided to wake up. for the day. to be fair to her, she was boiling hot with fever when i put her to sleep, so i should have known my night would be a long one. but, i got distracted by my laptop and this blanket i’m working on and my winsor pilates dvds and the scrubs clip show. i have no idea how i missed this when it was first aired…but it was so hilarious, i watched it twice. (yes, i’m a big loser. we know this already. but scrubs is so fucking funny).

anyway, isabella was up. which meant i was up too. we watched diego 4 times. dora twice. max and ruby once and i can’t even count how many times we watched the same wonderpets episode (this. is. sewious). at just after six, i lost it, put her in her crib and unplugged the monitor. and had a full 30 minutes of blissful sleep. oh, yeah.

this morning i made a detour to starbucks and ordered a giant latte. it’s going to be a long one. quite possibly a three coffee day.

thank god it’s friday.

i know this wasn’t much of a post, but until this latte works its magic, i got nothing. actually, i do have a new hot topic friday post up at fabulous. today we’re discussing the continental airlines flight attendant who kicked a mom and her son off a plane last month. it’s a good one.


  1. Hope she feels better soon!!!

    Hope you can get some rest!

    Comment by ~JJ! on July 13, 2007
  2. This IS sewious! (That totally made me LOL, btw…) That sucks. Make it a three coffee day and go to bed at 7pm.

    Comment by mamatulip on July 13, 2007
  3. Seriously …I can’t think of anything worse than being up at 1:30 in the morning AND having to listen to cartoon voices. I feel for you.

    Comment by Laural on July 13, 2007
  4. Expresso works faster!

    Hope Bella is ok .. and, why is it always the women getting up with the sicks kids … and heading off to work sleepless. Doesn’t seem fair Ali…
    hope you stay awake 🙂

    Comment by Sarah on July 13, 2007
  5. I hope Bella feels better soon.

    (If you need cheering up, you can come over to my place… there’s some smiles available there, trust me.)

    Comment by SciFi Dad on July 13, 2007
  6. Hope baby girl is better this morning, and that your latte works wonders.

    And Scrubs is the best!

    Comment by Jamie on July 13, 2007
  7. Hey…at least it’s a post. 🙂

    Comment by Humor Girl on July 13, 2007
  8. Eeek! That’s awful! Dora and Diego and WONDERPETS all night long! No wonder you’re a snarky biatch today! 😉 (kidding!)

    Comment by Haley-O on July 13, 2007
  9. The Wonder Pets alone would do me in. Ugh!

    Hope she feels better and that you get some rest. Or at least a reprieve from singing gerbils.

    Comment by Arkie Mama on July 13, 2007
  10. Scrubs is fabulous. We just finished watching every episode on DVD and now we’ve moved on to News Radio.

    Comment by Melissa on July 14, 2007
  11. I’m having one of those ultra big latte mornings myself. I hope today though (the day after your rough night) you’ve been able to get some decent sleep!

    Comment by Nancy on July 14, 2007
  12. Poor you! It can’t be nice to try and function all day on no sleep.
    I’m amazed you didn’t fall asleep while watching the cartoons!!

    Comment by Bronnie on July 14, 2007
  13. No! That bloody duck says Sewious over there too? I was hoping that it was trying to be cute just for the English market.

    I hate that show.

    Comment by pawpads on July 14, 2007
  14. hope she is feeling better! I am up this late for no better reason than insomnia !

    Comment by aimee / greeblemonkey on July 15, 2007
  15. Hope she is feeling better. Check out the comment that was left over at fabulous! Unreal. I HAD to respond back.

    Comment by Kerry on July 15, 2007
  16. Hey mamma, could have been worse….Toopee and Binou are way more friggin annoying in the wee hours of the morn!!!

    Comment by Brenda Tomasso on July 15, 2007
  17. Oh dear! I’m so sorry you had such a rough night. I hope she is feeling better now and that no one else in the house caught it!

    Comment by Multi-tasking Mommy on July 16, 2007
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