June 4 07

Sometimes being a mom sucks.

(come on, insert your nod in agreement here. or your how-could-she gasp.)

you see, i’m a mommyblogger. and because i am one, i am able to tell the truth. those ugly little truths that people don’t talk about at mommy-and-me classes or in the park or at Starbucks.

6, 5, even 4 years ago, if you’d asked me, my life was perfect. i love baby vomit! but, you know what i love more than vomit? wiping asses! that’s good times right there. labor? easy. recovery? easier. nursing is great…what? the purple and bleeding nipples? no biggie, i tell you. sleeping? it’s totally overrated. who needs sleep? i have lots and lots and lots of sex! and it’s great!

when moms were with other moms, there was little complaining. instead, it was almost a contest of sorts. who was the BEST mom. who could take on more, and handle it all without a sweat. (because as you know, not only do real moms not sweat the small stuff, they don’t, in fact, actually perspire either.) we want other moms to think that we can do it all, and we can do it just as well as someone else…or even better.

but then i discovered this little place called the internet. where real moms can discuss real issues. things they would never say in an actual conversation. blogging comes with it a certain anonymity. i can come out and say that i hate playing barbies with my six-year-old because i know that there are other moms who will agree. i know there will be moms who won’t agree as well, but i don’t have to face them. i can rejoice in the fact that there are others like me, and that, hey, i’m not a bad mom because i enjoy sleeping through the night. and i’m not a bad mom because i take an occasional xanax. and i’m not a bad mom because my 22-month-old still uses a bottle (and a pacifier!)

mommyblogging is radical because it’s truth. and we women finally have a place where we can be raw and honest and we don’t have to hide behind this perception that we have to be June Cleaver or Carol Brady or Claire Huxtable. because Carol Brady had a nanny! (can you believe it! a nanny!) and Claire Huxtable had a job! a real life job! and you just know that if supermom June Cleaver had herself a little space in the blog-o-sphere, that she’d be dishing about the prozac and the bad sex and the i-just-don’t-know-what-to-do about Wally. she’d be bringing on the truth, for all of us to see, and shake our heads in agreement. because we’ve been there. we’ve all been there. and it’s always nice to hear that someone else has been there too.

this post is an official entry into MBT’s BlogHer or Bust contest.

  1. Indeed. Thanks for entering the contest. Good luck!

    Comment by metro mama on June 4, 2007
  2. Amen, my sweet sistah.

    Comment by Janet a.k.a Wonder Mom on June 4, 2007
  3. June Cleaver was a meth-addict. How else do you explain the perfectly creased clothing and spotless house?

    Comment by Chantal on June 4, 2007
  4. This was great! I’ve been writing one too – it’s a little different than your take, but same sentiment. It’s nice that it’s okay to say this stuff somewhere.
    Did you find, though, that because you had kids young that it was harder in some ways? That’s what my experience was.
    But, really, I felt all that stuff all the time. Like – at one point I wondered how on earth every mom at the playgroup knew that your child must own a pair of Robeez!!!!
    I’d LOVE to read June Cleaver’s blog. Hilarious.

    Comment by Laural on June 4, 2007
  5. Great post. Simply great.

    Comment by SciFi Dad on June 4, 2007
  6. See? This is why I keep reading your blog. I love your honestly and vulnerability. Even if I can’t relate, your spunk is awesome.

    Comment by rob on June 4, 2007
  7. A-MEN!

    Comment by RLGelber on June 4, 2007
  8. you ‘da bomb & i hope you win the contest 🙂 good luck!!

    Comment by Tova on June 4, 2007
  9. Rob is SO right about the spunk! You’re totally spunky. This was the SH—! Can you tell us a little more about the sex? 😉

    Comment by Haley-O on June 4, 2007
  10. Oh, and good luck I hope you win!!!!! 🙂

    Comment by Haley-O on June 4, 2007
  11. Awesome post Ali (and thanks for entering 🙂

    Comment by motherbumper on June 4, 2007
  12. Nice work (as always!)

    Get of you to play along for the contest… because we KNOW how much you wanna go! LOL *wink*

    Comment by sam on June 4, 2007
  13. Get = Good.


    Comment by sam on June 4, 2007
  14. rock on, lady mama. tell it like it is.

    Comment by lara on June 4, 2007
  15. Very.Very.Very well said, Ali!!!

    Just what would we do without bloggin’?

    Comment by Multi-tasking Mommy on June 4, 2007
  16. I’m not a mommyblogger but I think I know where you’re coming from. There are even fewer men, fathers, on this here internet talking about stuff like this.

    Comment by Chris on June 4, 2007
  17. Nicely said.

    Comment by mamatulip on June 4, 2007
  18. A-men sister friend. I loved this post.

    Comment by bella on June 4, 2007
  19. Well said! I think if more moms were honest with themselves and with each other, there’d be a whole lot less “mommy wars” going on. Who didn’t have purple nipples or want to hurl the effing Medela Pump In Style across the room? I have my blog to remind me, because all too often, we moms forget above all else, we are human.

    Good luck in the contest!

    Comment by AndreAnna on June 4, 2007
  20. The internet will set you free……….it’s amazing what you can discuss here!

    Comment by Princess Extraordinarie on June 4, 2007
  21. Good one!!! I always thought it was funny that supermom Carol Brady had live-in help. Didn’t have to cook or clean. Love that lifestyle uh?

    Comment by Fenicle on June 4, 2007
  22. I doubt anyone could have said that better! That is the freaking truth, isn’t it?!
    Why are women so catty when it comes to who’s the ultimate supermom?
    To the sisterhood of tell-it-like-it-is-mothers! Cheers!

    Comment by Lesley on June 4, 2007
  23. Thank God for anonymity! (Or Al Gore for the internet. Whichever.) My mother had to stop reading my blog due to a recent lack of baby pics and an outrageous amount of honesty.

    Keep up the good work 🙂

    I hate Barbies, too *nod, nod*

    Comment by Loren on June 5, 2007
  24. A to the men, sister. A to the men.

    Comment by Her Bad Mother on June 5, 2007
  25. Some days are hard and I hate it when people act like me saying that is somehow saying that I hate motherhood itself…. that’s just annoying.
    I see that you’re reading Little Children. Isn’t it GREAT?

    Comment by Rebecca on June 5, 2007
  26. omg…you are freaking hilarious! I LOVE this post!
    Oh, and June Cleaver was smoking weed in the garage with Eddie Haskell every day after school because Ward was having an affair with Mr. Rutherford. lol

    Comment by Bohemian mom on June 5, 2007
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