December 27 06

…the happy holiday hearth dvd. it’s a fire! for your tv! and it even plays Christmas music! what could be better?

(we won’t mention that there’s a working fireplace about one foot below the television…)

we’re having a blast in Atlanta.

you can see more holiday goodness over at my flickr.

  1. That fireplace video is HILARIOUS – they also had it running on one of the satelite channels all through the holiday season, and my dad insisted that it had to be on ALL CHRISTMAS DAY. I was plenty sick of Faceless Flannel Clad Fireplace Man by the evening, let me tell you.

    Comment by Rebecca on December 27, 2006
  2. Turn that thing off and stoke the fire!

    Comment by metro mama on December 27, 2006
  3. The fire looks good and sounds good but it’s missing the scent and heat factor. At least it makes it safer for Santa to visit.

    That’s a mighty big present for such a wee girl.

    Comment by something blue on December 27, 2006
  4. I’m very jealous of the TV. Is that the kind that looks like a mirror when it’s not turned on? I am such a techno-geek!

    I’ve had a real fireplace and one with gas logs and loved the smell of the former and the convenience of the latter. Now, living in a city where the temperature rarely drops below 70, I inexplicably have a real working fireplace in my house. A lovely architectural feature, but I don’t believe it will ever be used. Maybe I should put a TV in there with that DVD on!!!

    Comment by Di on December 27, 2006
  5. There’s a station here in DC that runs a burning fire starting on Christmas Eve, I believe. They let it run a couple of days. I always thought it was kinda cool in an odd sort of way.

    Comment by Chris on December 27, 2006
  6. I thought you meant the TV was the gift! Now THAT would be a great gift (hint hint…!) ;).

    Comment by Haley-O on December 27, 2006
  7. who couldnt love Atlanta? Its gotta be warmer then home

    Comment by Sparky on December 27, 2006
  8. yep, we had a burning fire on our cable too. Love it!!

    Comment by Beth on December 28, 2006
  9. I thought you meant the TV was a gift too, at first! That WOULD be an amazing gift. I’m sure Jeff drooled over this photo! 🙂

    Comment by Amanda on December 31, 2006
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