Monthly Archives: September 2006

little green monsters

yesterday the husband and i went to Here’s My Baby for our private viewing and order session (sounds fancy, doesn’t it?!!). They are incredibly clever, those folks at HMB. They sit you in a giant room, with giant walls that hold giant portraits of beautiful children. then, they dim the…

a little housekeeping

today i’m: hawt, i know. first of all, if you’d like to see the cutest video of Isabella, check out my other blog, Fabulous. i know. i know. there i go, pimping my other blog. again. but this time it’s legit. i have NO idea how to post a video…

a meme and an amazing race

Lisab gave me a pity tag, because she knew that i wanted to do this meme – My Top Ten TV Characters. yes, i wanted to do it….until i realized how hard this is for someone who watches a lot of tv. a lot of tv. to make this a…