Monthly Archives: August 2006

let’s talk. shall we?

this must be said. last night was a boring-ass emmy’s. boring. as. ass. but, here’s my skinny: good? tribute to Aaron Spelling. i weeped like a little baby. (yes, you can stop laughing at me right about now.) more good? a much deserved win for this man: (please note. his…

things accomplished.

yes, two major things accomplished this weekend. a) my daughter no longer looks like the incredible hulk in her just-a-wee-bit too small pajamas. ah, yes. thanks Old Navy. b) my other children have shoes for school. ah, yes. thanks Browns. after talking her out of the heels, which she so…

Oh my lordy.

i usually get Drew Barrymore. Sometimes Courteney Cox. and once i got Nina from the Young and the Restless. oh, and remember that time someone told me i look liked Stacy from the Apprentice? yikes. but this?? holy crap. the first two? models. models! i mean, i know this shit…