July 18 06

Beth did it.
Amy did it.

so, it seems i’ve jumped on the belly bandwagon.
i took the picture a couple days ago.
and have been avoiding putting it up.
it’s all thanks to this website, The Shape of a Mother.
seriously y’all? it’s amazing.
these women are so brave and wonderful and amazing and beautiful. each and every one of them. with their stretch marks and their flab and their pooches (i don’t have stretch marks, but i’m all over the flab and pooch. sexy, i know.)

this is me, just before Isabella was born:
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

this is me, now. un-airbrushed. un-photoshopped (and don’t think i didn’t want to):
Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

so…there you have it.
now i will run away, all shy and red-faced.


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