March 30 05

The goods:
Carrie Underwood – she’s always amazing, especially when she sings country. If she works a little on her stage personality, she just might win this thing.
Vonzell Solomon – fantastic. She rocked it tonight.
Nikko Smith – I love his style. He’s great.
Nadia Turner – she was really good this week.

The mehs:
Anwar Robinson – he’s going to lose. He needs to step it up a little bit. Yes, he’s an awesome singer, but he’s not really showing up on game night.
Constantine – I just don’t see it with this guy. He’s not a good singer, and he bugs a little. The husband and I actually watched his performance twice to see what the big deal was. Yes, it was better than his partridge rendition last week, but it just wasn’t THAT good.
Bo Bice – he picked a really hard song to sing. Did better justice to the Black Crows than Constantine did, but it was just okay. Not great.

The bads:
Anthony Federov – no, no, no. you were bad, honey. Go home.
Scott Savol – I think that Scott does have a good voice. But, he was pretty bad last night – and the creep factor alone should send him home. Soon. Please.
Jessica Sierra – when you want to win, don’t sing LeAnn Rimes. It’s just a tip.


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