February 23 05

there are good things to come out of nanny accidents.

Granted, nothing good (except maybe a new stroller – but we will have to pay for it) will come out of Jhoanne breaking our stroller (how the heck do you break a peg perego…i thought they were indestructible…), but when she first started working for us, she flooded the washing machine, damaging the hardwood outside our laundry room. The insurance company came to give us a quote to replace the entire flooring – the entire foyer area and the dining room.

we opted to replace just the area in front of the laundry room, the laundry room and bathroom with tile, get two new lighting fixtures, carpet in the living room (thanks Devora…we love it), and new blinds in the dining/living room and the kitchen, instead of ripping up the entire hardwood.

I must say, I’m thoroughly pleased with our decision. Our house looks so much better now. It’s amazing how something as minute as a blind can change the way an entire room looks.

  1. you lost me at Nanny.
    I’ve begged for a nanny, I got a mastiff. Go figure.

    Comment by Tisha from Texas on February 23, 2005
  2. i know i’ve complained about her in the past, but my nanny has truly been a godsend.

    Comment by Ali on February 24, 2005

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