Monthly Archives: November 2004

Mayday! Mayday!

We have puke-age, people. Major puke-age. Thank heavens for the husband, who was incredible last night. He knows about my vomit issues, and didn’t think twice. He cleaned the bathroom (since she missed the toilet), he gave her a bath, and he slept in the family room with her all…

The Bane of My Existence

I’ve been using this phrase for a really long time. I didn’t – until today – know what this phrase actually means. To say that something or someone is “the bane of my existence” means that the person or thing is a constant irritant or source of misery. As a…

Feelin’ Groovy

So, Mrs. Huber dies, and Susan gets laid. it’s about time. for both of them. I hope they begin to give Gabrielle some heart. She started out as my favorite housewife…but i’m slowly (well, not so slowly) being turned off by her. I really liked her unhappily married-sleeping with the…