August 20 04

Tinkerbell has been found and has been returned safely to her owner, Paris Hilton.

Thanks heavens. Now i can finally rest easy.

  1. Thank heavens. I can go back to working now instead of stressing about that poor overdressed rats whereabouts.

    Comment by obabe on August 20, 2004
  2. my sentiments exactly!

    Comment by Ali on August 20, 2004
  3. I know Paris Hilton has a lot of dough… but how did she wrestle tinkerbell away from Peter Pan?
    Or am I behind on my People & US reading again?

    Comment by Giblet on August 20, 2004
  4. She slept with Peter Pan.

    Comment by obabe on August 20, 2004
  5. Maybe Paris IS Peter Pan. Hey, if Sandy Duncan could do it….

    Comment by Ali on August 20, 2004

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