August 13 04

I’m sooo in the mood for sushi right now.
There’s is this one roll at Umami that i can’t get enough of. Tempura Yam. Mashie thinks it tastes like Krisy Kreme.
yes…that’s exactly how i like to eat my veggies. deep fried, wrapped in carbs, and dipped in sodium. ha!

  1. hey, a vegetable is a vegetable.

    Comment by obabe on August 13, 2004
  2. I can’t get enough of this blog. My husband was on a camping trip with his family – I hadn’t seen him or spoken to him in 3 days. When he called to tell me that he was back and needed picking up I couldn’t bring myself to leave without catching up on E’s blog entries. These should be published! 2004 is the year of Ali’s blog!!!

    Comment by matin on August 13, 2004
  3. oh…you flatter me. blush. blush.

    Comment by Ali on August 13, 2004

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