November 27 07

somebody, i’m not sure who, but remind me to kick his ass thank him, gave my 6-year-old my cell phone number. i typically don’t answer it when she calls, and when i pick up my messages there are 30-some-odd calls from Emily saying pretty much the exact. same. thing.

“hi mommy, this is me, emily, josh is doing XXXX, and haydee won’t let me do XXXX. call me back. i love you. bye”

yesterday, i actually answered one of the times she called.

It was a happy call. pretty much the happiest i’ve ever heard her.


(seriously SCARY picture of Emily. it was so hard to get the right angle to get her gapped-smile AND her tooth in the picture. she would kill me if she saw this…but, then again, she doesn’t know about the wiener picture either


FINALLY. her tooth fell out.

i can finally stop hearing about it now. and she can stop forcing me to stick my hands in her mouth and ‘feel her wiggle’. (oh, the google hits!)

she got a nice visit from the tooth fairy who gave her a $5 bill and an “I Heart Troy” pillow

High School Musical I Love Troy Pillow

now, i can start getting to work on that orthodontic fund…

  1. Hooray for Emily!
    Our toothfairy – who is the parent who is not me – is NUTS. One time, this male fairy gave The Girl TWENTY DOLLARS.
    $20! We are not a rich people, my friend.

    Comment by Rebecca on November 27, 2007
  2. Our tooth fairy is a cheapskate. She only gives a buck a tooth.

    Comment by JMC on November 27, 2007
  3. Our tooth fairy gives whatever dad has on his nightstand. One time it was $0.58, but there were a lot of pennies in there, so the quantity of coins made up for the lack of actual cash.

    Comment by LoriD on November 27, 2007
  4. I heart Troy pillow???? I know of some girls who would pull out their teeth for one of those….literally.

    Comment by Maureen on November 27, 2007
  5. That is why my son does NOT have my cell number. And who the hell is Troy?

    Comment by Miss on November 27, 2007
  6. Holy schamoly! $5!!! Dude, I’m moving in with YOU the next time I lose a tooth. (Lucky for you when I start losing my teeth, I’ll be elderly and need lots of care! See you in 50 years!)

    Comment by Jennifer on November 27, 2007
  7. You should see the beautiful 38′ Choy Lee sailboat my kid’s orthodontist bought with their previously crooked teeth:)

    Comment by Mike S on November 28, 2007
  8. I guess what gets me about the whole losing teeth thing is that they worked so hard to get them. And cried so much. And so did the parents! Still, that’s awesome. As is the wiener picture.

    Comment by Chris Cactus on November 28, 2007
  9. Eeee! That pillow is hilarious! And, she’ll be fine — I hear gap teeth are in! (coming back to comment on the new post later — crazyiness overy ehre!

    Comment by Haley-O on November 28, 2007
  10. I don’t do the wiggly teeth. The creep me out and make me nauseas.

    Why does she need orthodontics? Her teeth look nicely space to me. Lots of room for big adult teeth!

    Comment by Chantal on November 28, 2007
  11. […] Emily and i decided to make it tradition and we would take an “Emily and the wieners” photo every time we go. (yeah, it’s totally still funny) […]

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