did you miss me? so much has happened over the last few days. where to even begin?
shall we start with the fact that my little monster has learned that she is able to get out of her big girl bed? fuck me…she’s totally done with that whole sleeping thing…which, lucky me, means that i’m pretty much done too
shall we start with the fact that somehow my mom navigated herself onto my website and was disturbed by the fact that I used the term ‘sweet jesus’ in my post? if she only knew…
shall we start with the movie i went to on sunday night – Across the Universe – which I thoroughly loved…if only for the fact that Bono makes a lovely little cameo. and sings. *swoon*?? The three people i was with did not like it as much…so uncultured, they are!! (ha…not really…i guess we just weren’t expecting it to be The Beatles-meets-Moulin Rouge. but, again, Bono?!?!?! (even if he did look slightly Robin Williams-ish)
shall we start with the fact that i went into work this morning – on Thanksgiving – and got booted out of the system and had to come all the way home?
shall we start with this???? I haven’t taken it off in an entire week. and i’m so not even joking.
shall we start with the new post i’ve got up at Fabulous?
Shall we start with the thank yous to my guest posters while i was away?? you were all truly fantastic. hugs and lovely make-out sessions coming your ways! with tongue. pinky swear.
um, let’s start with a conversation.
him: “so, i’m thinking of taking your mother away for our 25th wedding anniversary.”
me: “nice! so, where in Europe are you going this time?”
her: “oh, Ali, don’t be silly. we’d never go to Europe. Everybody in Europe hates Jews.”
me: “everybody, eh? doesn’t seem like a generalization there…”
her: “it’s really the state of affairs over there.”
me: “that an entire continent is jew-hating? Also, didn’t you go to Italy last year?”
her: *rolls her eyes*
him: “Why would you guess Europe?”
me: “because you aren’t really the lie on the beach type. and you aren’t really the hiking type.”
her: “I like to hike!”
me: “oh yeah? when’s the last time you hiked?”
her: “I like to hike!”
me: “That wasn’t my question.”
her: “We did a lot of hiking the last time we were in New York!”
me: “Mom, walking from your hotel on 55th street to a restaurant on 57th street is NOT hiking!!!!”
her: “It sure felt like hiking to me…”
me: “So, where are you going??”
him: “We’re thinking Spain, probably.”
Interesting. Spain. that’s in Europe, right?
yeah…that pretty much sums up my entire week…