It’s science, really.
And I sure say no a lot these days.
Because of the No Guilts, I grabbed hold of Isabella’s hand yesterday afternoon and took her to—not one, but two—the park and watched her swing and monkey bar and climb and run, even though I kind of hate the park and a little kid told me I was too fancy for the park.
Because of the No Guilts, when I heard the familiar sing-song of the ice cream truck this afternoon, I handed my kids a $10 bill and watched their faces light up from my completely unexpected YES.
“For really, real Mama?”
“Just maybe bring me back some change, okay?”
Ten minutes later they came back and set the $10 bill down on my desk.
I don’t even know what happened and why there was no ice cream.
But it’s obviously my fault.
And maybe I should go back to saying no—there’s less mystery involved.