December 1 06

i came home last night – from meeting the urbanmoms ladies at Host – and the husband said he would rather watch Survivor (which he had already watched that night) than watch Grey’s Anatomy. not understanding? yeah…well, me neither.

but now i don’t have the time to watch it. there’s just NEVER enough time.

it’s funny because i was recently talking to someone who works part-time and has a full-time nanny. i couldn’t stop talking about how envious i was. that seems to be the best of both worlds to me. You still work. You still make money. but then you still have time to be with your kids. and the ability to do things like get your haircut or go to the dentist or go food shopping without the kids.

but then she was quick to tell me that even though she only works part-time, she still finds herself without enough time to get things done. because she crams everything into those few hours when she’s not working. and she’s stressed. she wishes she had more time.

i guess at the end of the day, with whatever situation you’re in, there’s always someone who has it better. who has more time. and there’s always someone who has it worse. who has less time.

i have a full time job. i work 8-4. i DO have a nanny who works until at least 5:30 every day. which is amazing because there are some nights that i need to cram all my errands in between that 4-5:30 time slot. and i need to make dinner.

sometimes i think about how i wish i could work from home, or part-time. or have one day off a week. fridays, perhaps. i would be able to do things i can’t do because i work. plan playdates. drive carpool. see my friends. run errands. do little things that i was able to do when i was off (like picking Emily up from school and taking her out for hot chocolate. just the two of us. those were some of my most favorite moments as a mommy). I envy my friends who have that ability.

and then sometimes i think about how lucky i am. i hop on the 407 after work and i’m home in 12 minutes. i don’t work downtown. i’m home early enough to spend quality time with my kids. what about those women who don’t have this? women who work downtown? women who have jobs that require them to work late? or travel? women who don’t have a window at 4:00 every day. when do they go food shopping? when do they drop off their dry cleaning? when do they go to the doctor?

so, while i am jealous of those who work part-time. the part-timers are jealous of those who don’t work. the ones who don’t work are jealous of the ones who have nannies. basically, there’s always someone’s life you can envy. which means that there are women aren’t there who are jealous of me.

because i did have time to go out with Jen and Haley-O last night. and i did have time to try Indian food for the first time. (and thankfully, i didn’t have an Along Came Polly incident. i was worried. no, seriously, i was worried). and i did have time to watch survivor. some people don’t even have that!


~anyone else notice Becky’s “you’re totally going to fuck me over” eyes at Yul (note: not to be confused with Candice’s “you’re totally going to fuck me” eyes at Adam. barf) when he was talking about wanting to gain Parvati, Candice and Adam’s votes in the final 2. anyone think she’s going to do a little ‘mutiny’ of her own?

~ Nate (lookin’ all Freddy Kruger-like) at tribal. more irritating than Shane.

~I’m lovin’ the snark Jeff: “maybe if it was love he would have given you the immunity necklace!”

~mmm…Izzy and ice cream…LOVE! and did Jeff call him Dolphin Boy? i think he did, right?

~Parvati can go home now. please. thanks. “i’m twice as mature as you are”. wow. what a mature thing to say. and throwing up on Jonathan’s face? was that really necessary? really?

~k – one final thought. being without a toothbrush for 30 days. and eating nasty things like fish and cocnuts all day. and kissing? ew. ew. ew.

Today’s the last day to vote!

Canadian Blog Awards

  1. I watched Grey’s and I couldn’t get the image of Merideth looking like a turtle our of my mind – it’s true .. O.M.G.
    Where’s Finn?

    Comment by Sarah on December 1, 2006
  2. Hahah! I’ve ruined Grey’s with my turtle comparison! I didn’t watch last night – I was shopping online after the kids were in bed. Isn’t that exciting? I am Mrs. Fun.

    Comment by Beck on December 1, 2006
  3. …i wonder who’s jealous of me?

    ~sweet! i haven’t watched greys yet either.
    ~uhh ya, i thought the very same thing when they were kissing. furry teeth – ew! i don’t think so!

    Hey – is your weather there as SHITTY as it is here? i swear it’s raining sideways.

    Comment by Christine on December 1, 2006
  4. I’ve heard that mothers who work part time are the busiest and most stressed because they try to do everything “full-time”.

    Comment by Jodi on December 1, 2006
  5. We always want what we don’t have huh? But good for you for recognizing that you are blessed as well.

    I totally haven’t watched Grey’s either and am weirdly glad you didn’t either! HA! I watch SO much TV girl, it’s crazy. I love 4 shows on ABC and love that they broadcast them on the web for free so I’m probably going to watch Grey’s during lunch. 🙂

    Have a good weekend!!

    Comment by Beth on December 1, 2006
  6. I watched Survivor twice last night, it was so good. Yes, I noticed Becky’s ‘you’re gonna fuck me over’ eyes and yes, Jeff did call him Dolphin Boy, LMAO!!

    Comment by mamatulip on December 1, 2006
  7. It was a good Survivor last night, wasn’t it!? I did have to do a triple take when Jeff said “if it was real love, he’d have given you immunity” — awesome! I think they must be in love, though — if they can kiss, as you pointed out, after being 30 days without a toothbrush. She’s ew.

    It was AWESOME hanging with you and Jen last night. I had such a great time!!! ‘Twas so good to get out with the girls!!! I totally needed it (one of the downfalls of being a sahm — not as much adult contact…).

    Comment by haley-o on December 1, 2006
  8. I am so lucky, I am stay at home and there is NEVER enough time. What is that? I have a friend who is a single mom, works full time at a day care and has 3 children. YET she still manages to make beautiful stained glass and knit beautiful hats. sigh. so much pressure to do it all.

    Comment by anne/crazymumma on December 1, 2006
  9. oh and babe, why don’t we come up with our own diet? The South PARK Diet. We would make MILLIONS and we could get as fat as we wanted but have so much money it wouldn’t matter…..just hinking to the future ya know?

    Comment by anne/crazymumma on December 1, 2006
  10. I think last nights was the first survivor I actually liked this season. What a mess!! I was so wanting Jonathon to win and then the last couple of episodes he has really turned into a turd!

    BTW…wouldn’t want to even touch someone else after being there for 30 days much less kiss them. GAG! Wondering if he is going to get with Pavrati now that Candence is gone. I don’t trust him for some reason.

    Comment by Daisy on December 1, 2006
  11. I watched the full episode of Grey’s last nite for the first time. I usually catch the beginning, middle or end. Anywyas, I liked it.

    TIME…hmmn, such a thing we all crave to have more of but there’s only 24 hrs of it everyday. As long as we manage it correctly, quality time and “me” time can always be given its own slot. I wish I can do as well with it in action as I write about it , I have a full time job and a part time job as well but I manage.

    Comment by Leah on December 2, 2006
  12. I STILL haven’t watched grey’s Anatomy.
    I did work part-time this year and it was a good balance for me between work and family. I did find though that work started to demand more that its fair share at times and financially it just didn’t make sense as my childcare costs were equal to my pay. It was a tough decision but I am lucky to be able to stay home and I am trying to look at it a just a temporary situation.

    Your afterschool dates with your daughter sound lovely. These are the things I think we will always remember and so will they.

    Comment by lisa b on December 2, 2006
  13. So true. So so so true. I work full time (half of it from home) and all I can think of is how I want to quit or work part time or whatever. And when I used to work part time the grass was always greener somewhere else too. Sigh.

    Comment by Sunshine Scribe on December 2, 2006
  14. Sorry if you’ve already done this, but guess what — you’ve been tagged to write 6 weird things about yourself. Check out my blog for more details.

    Comment by Audrey on December 3, 2006
  15. Annoying isn’t it, though? That grass is always greener thing? There’s never enough time, because we fill our spare time with more and more, it’s a cycle.

    But Grey’s Anatomy, come on. Doesn’t that make the list as some sort of priority? I watched it but over multi-tasked, so I couldn’t tell you a thing that happened.

    Comment by Rebecca on December 3, 2006
  16. Becky’s look? Totally saw that. I’m still pulling for Yul!

    Comment by Chris on December 3, 2006
  17. ARGH! I missed Survivor?????

    Not enough time in the day. I just live with my messy house. 😉

    Comment by Chaotic Mom on December 3, 2006
  18. We all want more time, no matter what our situation. (((hugs)))

    Comment by Stacie on December 6, 2006

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