July 31 08

DSC_5505 by you.

that’s me. and my first-born. sleeping together.

oh, heavenly days! this has NEVER happened before.

Emily was a hands-off baby. she slept in one place and one place only. her crib. bouncy chair? no carseat? no (in fact, she screamed bloody murder in the carseat) stroller? no way. someone’s arms? you’ve got to be kidding. this is probably the last time she slept in someone’s arms… (and if you’ll notice, he’s got a little too much facial hair to be moi)

emily6 by you.

and as she grew, she pretty much stopped sleeping in her bed too.

my child doesn’t sleep. ever. she’s up all night. beading. reading. dancing. singing. sighing over which Jonas brother is her favorite this week (it’s Joe) (even with the white skinny jeans and giant eyebrows)

but on sunday. wonder of wonders. miracle of miracles. emily was up at the buttcrack of dawn, as usual, and came into my room, as usual, and instead of annoying the crap out of me (i’m hungry! my stomach is eating itself! this website isn’t loading! i want to watch the family channel! i’m hungry! i’m thirsty! i can’t find the dog ds game! look at this blister on my foot! oh, and yesterday, josh scratched my eye!) she crawled into my bed, and fell asleep. for over an hour.

pure bliss.

conversation of the week:

my mother, with slight snark: well, i hope you have a productive week at work next week when you are NOT coming down with Gabe and the kids

me: i’m sure i will be. i’m really busy at work, actually. while i’m sad to not be coming, i really have so much to do. i’m drowning in science photos.

my mother: well, i’m as busy as a cock-a-roach at work…but *sigh* i’m still going to take off next week to entertain your kids. and *sigh* i might get fired…and have to go on unemployment and then just get lazy like everyone else…*sigh*…but i’m really looking forward to seeing the munchkins.”

hrm…doesn’t she sound like she’s really looking forward?!?!?!?

(also? cock-a-roach? who says that?)

(i suppose i should tell you that she is the president and CEO of two nursing homes. and has several degrees. cock-a-roach?)

ps. if you missed my post yesterday...about my grandfather and his hats, please come and check it out. i hardly ever go all sentimentAli on you guys, but it felt really good. and as an added incentive you get to see some hideous outfits that i wore as a child!!

  1. Mine want to sleep with me every night. And have wanted to since the day they were born. There has to be a happy medium here somewhere. I’m tired of feet in my face and people stealing my pillow.

    And seriously? cock-a-roach? Does your mom have some hillbilly in her bloodlines? Because the only time I hear that word is on Oklahoma news interviews. You know, when they pick the lady in a wife beater, no bra, no teeth, and a hint of a goatee to weigh in on the crisis at hand?

    Comment by AJ on July 31, 2008
  2. oh ali that photo is just lovely.
    I do love a snuggly kid. but not before six am. perferably seven.

    Comment by lisa b on July 31, 2008
  3. hey .. I thought you were NYC bound this week? You mean hubby and kids get a vacation while you work .. and, hee hee get a wee vacation in your own home ha ha ha .. you’ve got the last laugh ..and your mom, hilariously funny!

    Comment by Sarah on July 31, 2008
  4. Smart of somebody to take that cute picture. So sweet.

    My kids never slept anywhere but their cribs either.

    threeundertwos last blog post..Vintage Thingies Thursday: Cast Iron Chair

    Comment by threeundertwo on July 31, 2008
  5. Oh that pictures is adorable. My son only sleeps with me in our bed, not with his father. I am in trouble.

    kiridas last blog post..awesome. not awesome.

    Comment by kirida on July 31, 2008
  6. That photo of you and Emily at the top of this post is breathtakingly beautiful.

    Comment by Assertagirl on July 31, 2008
  7. ohh what a sweet pic of you and em.em and the changeling would have fun together.did she make you watch hannah montanna miley best of both worlds concert on family over the weekend?mine watched it twice.telly blaring.singing along loud as she could.dancing.hahaha! cock-a-roach.hahaha!too funny.

    Comment by LAVENDULA on July 31, 2008
  8. Love the picture!!

    And the Jonas Brothers are adored here as well – although my girls love Nick. We are actually going to see them in concert in a few weeks. Holy hell.

    Kimberlys last blog post..Girl’s Night

    Comment by Kimberly on July 31, 2008
  9. Cock-a-roach?? That is ALL KINDS OF AWESOME.

    whoorls last blog post..Terrible Twos

    Comment by whoorl on July 31, 2008
  10. Gabe who?

    Comment by Giblet on July 31, 2008
  11. My daughter LOVES to sleep like that. She crawled into bed with me both nights this past weekend and crashed for an additional hour. (I love that photo btw.)

    And your mom sounds a lot like my MIL, complete with mispronunciations (hers is to say “Chewsdee” instead of Tuesday).

    SciFi Dads last blog post..Degrading Skills

    Comment by SciFi Dad on July 31, 2008
  12. Both of my kids are snugglers. And i love it. LOVE it.

    That picture is purrrty.

    Miss Britts last blog post..Not Fine.

    Comment by Miss Britt on July 31, 2008
  13. My first one was a terrible sleeper too. We had horrible nights with him. That photo is so sweet – she looks like you!

    HeatherPrides last blog post..Mars and Venus Make a Bottle

    Comment by HeatherPride on July 31, 2008
  14. That is an adorable photo. That’s worthy of a fancy frame!

    My children have seasonal affection disorder. As you can imagine, this strikes them hardest during the holidays and sometimes the week of their birthdays. It also impedes their ability to snuggle – unless they, too, have been up since the ass crack of dawn and are finally admitting exhaustion. I then swoop in and relish every single squeeze and second I get out of it.

    Finally, my mom sounds just like yours. Only, instead of coc-a-roach, she says ‘tor-till-as’ (like the grandma in Napoleon Dynamite). I know that tortillas and bugs are two different beasts, but when I hear her say it, I’m all, “Seriously? And you’re griping about my hair color?”

    differentkindofgirls last blog post..i know all there is to know about the crying game

    Comment by differentkindofgirl on July 31, 2008
  15. awww that picture is such a framer!!

    Sarahs last blog post..Spam, Not Just For Eating

    Comment by Sarah on July 31, 2008
  16. If it makes you feel any better, my mom still says dungarees. Who says that anymore????????

    Oh, and “indentification,” not identification. Drive me mad. But I love her!

    TUWABVBs last blog post..Weiners

    Comment by TUWABVB on July 31, 2008
  17. I LOVE that photo of you two cuddling!

    Angellas last blog post..Wait. Where Was I?

    Comment by Angella on July 31, 2008
  18. your mom said cock dude.

    Misss last blog post..Just shut up already!

    Comment by Miss on July 31, 2008
  19. Aww, Em! Cutie!

    Um, I kinda love your mom.

    Camels & Chocolates last blog post..We Didn’t Start the Fire

    Comment by Camels & Chocolate on July 31, 2008
  20. Beautiful photo!!

    And, I can’t get either of my kids to NOT sleep with me!!!

    Haley-Os last blog post..Meditation Levitation

    Comment by Haley-O on July 31, 2008
  21. My mom is the master of malapropisms.

    Kay-sa-deekas is Suzanne for quesadillas and is on our favorites.

    Comment by swirl girl on July 31, 2008
  22. What a beautiful picture and a beautiful moment. My kids think snuggling is jumping on mommy like a trampoline.

    Mrs. Schmittys last blog post..American Idol Tour

    Comment by Mrs. Schmitty on July 31, 2008
  23. You guys are SO CUTE. OMG. You must frame that picture.

    Comment by mamatulip on July 31, 2008
  24. I am playing the worlds smallest violin for your mom. 🙂

    Mother guilt is great. I swore I’d never do it to my kids, but that went right out the window around the time they learned to speak.

    Issas last blog post..Things to not say to pregnant women…..

    Comment by Issa on July 31, 2008
  25. What a beautiful picture of you two! I was never much of snuggler either.

    Katies last blog post..Just Around the Corner

    Comment by Katie on July 31, 2008
  26. Hi Ali, can you email me again I wanted to mention something that I did for our “situation.”

    Comment by The Mom on July 31, 2008
  27. Emily must have felt bad about you falling asleep at the dinner table.

    Kristabellas last blog post..I’m Ready To Go Home Now

    Comment by Kristabella on July 31, 2008
  28. So I saw you at BlogHer and was like “Wow! She’s gorgeous!” and then I come here and I see that you’ve got a kick ass template, and I look at the photos and see that you have a cute kid and cute husband and that said cute kid was cute from day one unlike my own kids that looked like furry fat grubby monsters at birth and thought “Why am I here? I am jealous. I should not be leaving a comment because I now officially hate her and all the gorgeousness that is and surrounds her.”

    But I am. 🙂

    Marias last blog post..Tenderhearted.

    Comment by Maria on July 31, 2008
  29. I have solved both of our problems. Your daughter doesn’t sleep. My daughter doesn’t sleep. Send your daughter to me, and she can take care of mine all night!

    heathers last blog post..If You’re Happy And You Know It

    Comment by heather on July 31, 2008
  30. You two look sooo cute!

    Teena in Torontos last blog post..Book ~ "The Ex-Debutante" (2008) Linda Francis Lee

    Comment by Teena in Toronto on July 31, 2008
  31. That is so sweet.

    Comment by Stephanie on August 1, 2008
  32. Cuteness. Pure, unadulterated cuteness.

    Chriss last blog post..The Weeklies #47

    Comment by Chris on August 3, 2008

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