“Mama. Now you have to trim the dome.”
“Um. WHAT?”
“You know, before we ice the cake. We have to trime the dome, to even it all out. Otherwise, our cake will be totally lopsided.”
“It’s called what, Isabella? Trimming the who?”
“The DOME. God, Mama, aren’t you listening?”
“I’m sorry. And where did you learn about this dome thing?”
“DUH. From Betty.”
“Betty Crocker? Mama, please tell me you have heard of her.”
“Baby, I don’t think Betty Crocker is a real person. I think she’s just a brand name?”
“She is so a real person. And she teaches me about cake decorating.”
“Well, anyway, we don’t need to trim the dome or anything because we aren’t frosting the cake.”
“That is so not okay.”
“What isn’t?”
“We made two cakes in 8-inch round pans. WHY DID WE DO THAT IF WE WEREN’T GOING TO FROST THEM?”
“Hey, Isabella, did you know that in Canada they call it ICING and in the states they call it FROSTING?”
“Betty would not approve of this at all.”
Indeed, she would not. Even though I’m still pretty sure she’s not a real person.
All I have to say is that Isabella is really lucky I shared my red velvet cake with her at all.