I still have a hard time understanding people on Team Twitter > Facebook. I am still most definitely firmly planted on Team Facebook > Twitter. When I post a photo on Facebook of my sister from the 80s and I’m dressed fully in a velour tracksuit, socks with sandals, and a questionable almost-mullet haircut, people comment–my mom (I know! She uses Facebook!), my sister, my relatives, my old neighbors who I haven’t seen since I actually looked like that small child.
When I post it on Twitter?
When I post on Facebook about the alarming amount of coughing I am doing, almost two weeks after I first came down with the mystery vacation illness, the conversation that follows is hilarious. We talk about TB and consumption and pleurisy and, uh, dystentary. These diseases are not just for Anne of Green Gables and those historical American Girl Dolls, you know. I know. They are alive and well, and possibly living in my chest cavity.
When I post it on Twitter?
When I post about books on Facebook, I end up with a giant list of books to look for—new fiction and non-fiction and biographies.
When I post about books on Twitter, I get yelled at by angry and insulted authors…but I also get
Seeing the pattern here?
I’m funny and confessional on Facebook, people have stuff to say.
I’m sentimental on Facebook, people click that thumbs up.
I have questions on Facebook, people have answers.
On Twitter, not so much.
I mean, just yesterday, I admitted something that falls in the HEART WANTS WHAT THE HEARTS WANTS files:
That’s it.
I mean, I just told you I like giant eyebrows and strange laughs and MULLETS and Cher.
And nothing?
Those were really important confessionals.
But alas, it got me thinking about all of the other things I just can’t help but love.
Sean Penn.
Dancing to Blister In The Sun exactly like Angela Chase.
Jesse Eisenberg.
80s sitcoms. (See also: references from 80s sitcoms.)
She’s All That.
The History Channel.
Survivor. (Also: Jeff Probst.)
Board games.
Dylan McKay.
Anything on the CW.
Christmas music.
The Young and The Restless.
Kid cereal.
That Miley Cyrus song. And that other Miley Cyrus song. And that Britney Spears song.
The August And Everything After album.
Degrassi. ALL OF THEM.
What about you? Guilty pleasures? Things you can’t help but love?