February 19 08

the husband and i have this little game we play. it involves giving the other person absolutely ZERO sympathy when the person is sick or in pain. romantic, isn’t it? to be fair, i began this whole game. we weren’t even married yet and he was visiting me at my dad’s in Atlanta, came down with some nasty stomach flu bug…and instead of holding his hand while he barfed…i fled the scene. my emetophobia was in full swing, and there was no way i being party to any of it, lest i catch it.

ten years later and we are still playing. we both have busted right hands right now. His is likely a matching hook of the hamate problem (he had surgery on his left one last year) and mine is tendonitis. i have given him no sympathy and he has given me none as well. to be fair, he played HOCKEY last night. if he’s playing sports on his, he doesn’t get any (he does score major points because he took the kids to his parents yesterday so i could have a couple hours to myself! yay for family day!)

he’s playing hockey…and i’m typing lefty. i ask you…who should be getting the sympathy?! 😉

i swear, last night we went to dinner with the usuals and were having a great time (note to everyone: allowing your two besties to share a pitcher of mojitos is a GOOD idea) and i was all “lookatme! huzzah! my wrist is great! no pain! no swelling! totally WIZARD. all i had to do was stop using my $800 laptop! i’m cured!”

(it would be really sweet to NOT end up looking like this….just saying)

and then i woke up this morning. and couldn’t fucking move it. karma = bitch. and the husband, who is always a more-than-willing participant when it involves undressing me…had very little interest in helping to, um, dress me this morning.

shut up. you try putting on your bra when you have no mobility in your stronger hand.

i had to actually put it on backwards and slide it around. it was a very low, low moment for me. one that my children took great pleasure in watching me whine about.

so, if you will, take a minute to feel sorry for me this morning. it would be nice if someone would… also, if anyone wants to come and help me dress myself, it would be great appreciated. oh, also…if anyone wants to come and help me try on bathing suits this afternoon, i could probably use a hand…**

(**i’m sorry…this wasn’t an invitation to blog stalkers out there…it was meant for the likes of people i know…my sister, tova, ilana, haley-o…)

my kids are obsessed with the idea of getting a baby hedgehog.

fine, i’ll admit it…i’m not big on the whole pet thing…but those little suckers? adorable. after breakfast yesterday morning we stood outside the pet store watching the ferrets (ew) and the pugs crapping all over each other. (i HATE pet stores)

Emily: if we can’t get a hedgehog, what about a rabbit like Beamer?

Me: Emma, rabbits are a lot of work…and all they want to do is eat your carpet.

husband: kind of like husbands.

  1. ha ha ha! (to the joke, not your hand)

    I have lots of sympathy for you over here- I think I’m getting the beginnings of carpal tunnel or something and it’s not fun. Have you tried massage or is it too painful for that?

    Get better soon!

    Comment by Steph on February 19, 2008
  2. A couple of years ago, my mom had rather significant surgery on her wrist. I remember before she had the surgery she started listing off the things she’d have a hard time doing post-surgery which included – tada – putting on her bra.

    This made complete sense, so I recommended that while she was still completely mobile that she put her “bad” hand behind her back and practice putting on a bra with one hand. For some dumb reason she didn’t take my advice, and I got to listen to her complain about how hard it was to put on a bra for three months.

    Of course, this isn’t related to your injury because yours wasn’t planned…but it’s still a funny bra/injury story. 🙂

    Stacy’s last blog post..Let’s Play a Game…

    Comment by Stacy on February 19, 2008
  3. Gosh I wish I knew what you could do for that Ali – I remember having tendonitus and it is SO painfull. Ice it? Rest it..
    Funny .. I always put my bra on that way – I don’t understand how to put it on the other way?!
    Hubby is at home with a bad back – it is sad but I have not much sympathy either (and when I was home from work for 5 wks last summer after falling from my horse .. he had NO sympathy…so at least we are equal!

    Comment by Sarah on February 19, 2008
  4. please Please PLEASE post all the creepy offers you get from lurkers who email you with offers to help you dress/try on bathing suits!

    And the husband’s last line? Priceless. Reminds me of my “that’s what she said” tag that I add at the most inappropriate times.

    SciFi Dad’s last blog post..TRS: Family Day Weekend

    Comment by SciFi Dad on February 19, 2008
  5. Now I want a baby hedgehog too!

    Shannon’s last blog post..working things out

    Comment by Shannon on February 19, 2008
  6. I’ve been married to my Canadian for 10 yrs this year and he’s had the stomach flu 3 times… each of those times I promptly moved into my parents’ house for 3-5 days, kids and all. Hello emetophobia!

    I don’t know if it would benefit you at all, but my mom found the most relief for her wrist pain at the chiropractor! I had no idea you could adjust bones and tendons in your wrist but apparently you can, and it helps tremendously!

    Oh and I’m in line behind SciFi Dad for the emails from the creepy takers on your offers! Those should be a great read!

    Comment by AJ on February 19, 2008
  7. ummm, maybe you should’nt be posting stuff like… if anyone wants to come and help me try on bathing suits this afternoon, i could probably use a hand…

    so what time….hahah.

    by the way my wife finally bought lululemons and she looks damn good in them

    Comment by aaron on February 19, 2008
  8. If you don’t mind 4 kids, ages 5, 4, 3, 1 & 1 coming along then I’ll help. Wait, I think I know the answer to that one. ha ha ha!

    Holly’s last blog post..My Sensitive Boy

    Comment by Holly on February 19, 2008
  9. I can add – that’s FIVE kids and the older one is mine and only here once school is one. Crap, he’s 6 too. Boy, I miss my coffee maker!!!

    Holly’s last blog post..My Sensitive Boy

    Comment by Holly on February 19, 2008
  10. I can add – that’s FIVE kids and the older one is mine and only here once school is done. Crap, he’s 6 too. Boy, I miss my coffee maker!!!

    Holly’s last blog post..My Sensitive Boy

    Comment by Holly on February 19, 2008
  11. Dang…that little hedgehog is ADOREABLE! I want one, too! Only, the cat would probably eat it…never mind….

    Laura’s last blog post..All kinds of online fun!!!

    Comment by Laura on February 19, 2008
  12. You’ve got my sympathy & then some. I had carpal tunnel surgery on one wrist/hand a few years ago after it getting so bad it hurt to brush my teeth or wash my hair (got to the point where I couldn’t do either with that hand). My I highly recommend an ergonomic keyboard? Best thing that ever happened to my wrists/hands at work & at home. I hope you are feeling back to your usual self before your trip!!!

    Comment by Theoda on February 19, 2008
  13. My husband had to help me with my bra for WEEKS when I had wrist problems in my first pregnancy – and my bras are WORK to put on….

    Rebecca’s last blog post..Hearts

    Comment by Rebecca on February 19, 2008
  14. You poor thing.

    Also, your husband is funny if not sympathetic.

    jennie’s last blog post..Age three, day four

    Comment by jennie on February 19, 2008
  15. Jaw drop!

    Comment by B2G on February 19, 2008
  16. Aw, now I want a baby hedgehog. I had to wear those splints while preggers….Brutal.

    Haley-O’s last blog post..Business Is Booming, Rascal Is Blooming…

    Comment by Haley-O on February 19, 2008
  17. poor you. hope your wrists are doing better soon. 🙂

    Melissa’s last blog post..Family Day – Round 1

    Comment by Melissa on February 19, 2008
  18. Ouch for the pain and funny game. That’s a cute hedgehog!

    noble pig’s last blog post..Booger Assault

    Comment by noble pig on February 19, 2008
  19. You totally have my sympathies! I have tendonitis in my left hand and it really sucks doesn’t it! I have to say that I don’t think mine is quite as bad as yours as I can still get my bra on! Hang in there!

    celticbuffy’s last blog post..Woohoo!

    Comment by celticbuffy on February 19, 2008
  20. Once again you are denying me my stalker responsibilities. I’m beginning to think you dont appreciate that I am your stalker.

    Miss’s last blog post..Now I know

    Comment by Miss on February 19, 2008
  21. EXACTLY like husbands. *snort*

    mamatulip’s last blog post..Weekend revelations

    Comment by mamatulip on February 19, 2008
  22. I didn’t read all the other comments (on account of you get a gazillion comments and I don’t)so maybe someone suggested this already… but have you tried doing up the bra and then stepping into it? Just a thought. I would come over and help but you know… on account of me being all bitter that you get a shit-ton of comments I don’t think I can make it by. That… and I’m too far away anyway. And maybe that’s a good thing too… cus I’M BITTER!

    jasmine’s last blog post..a shopping frenzy

    Comment by jasmine on February 19, 2008
  23. Aww… I will give you some sympathy. Awww…
    We play a similar game in my house. I give him no sympathy and he dotes on my and listens to me whine.
    Works for me.
    Was that pic of poor preggo Haley’s arms?

    Comment by Kristen on February 19, 2008
  24. That last line almost made me spew DC all over my laptop.

    Hope your hand heals quickly…and no creeplors take you up on your offer 😉

    Angella’s last blog post..Listing Left And Right

    Comment by Angella on February 19, 2008
  25. awww baby hedgehogs are so freakin adorable…sorry you can’t dress yourself i would probably just let the girls hang if i couldn’t dress myself….

    Comment by LAVENDULA on February 19, 2008
  26. The hedgehog is SO cute!
    rabbits, husbands…if only husbands/boyfriends were as simple and quiet as rabbits.

    Is there anything I can do to help you with your arm?

    (sorry, I know there is 0 I can do for you here in Saskatchewan, just thought I’d offer).

    Comment by Keri on February 19, 2008
  27. Super sympathy over here! My husband in also very little on the sympathy when I’m sick or an invalid. Granted I do require quite a bit of it to “feel better” but still. I kinda takes away from it all if you have to ask for sympathy. Bah.
    Never realized that hedgehogs are actually pretty darn cute.

    skiplovey’s last blog post..Chompers for real this time

    Comment by skiplovey on February 19, 2008
  28. EEEUUUUWWWWW! Sorry, that kind of looks like the wad of hair and gunk my husband pulled from the shower drain and LEFT ON THE SINK…I guess to show me what a poor housewife I am.

    Di’s last blog post..Le Pettitte Prince

    Comment by Di on February 19, 2008
  29. Ah hahahahaaa…. laughing at the joke. Sorry about your hand. That sucks! At least you humor is intact!

    OHmommy’s last blog post..No more complaining…

    Comment by OHmommy on February 19, 2008
  30. And here I thought we were the only crazies who did stuff like that. We have zero sympathy for each other too.
    Thanks for putting up with the pain and still blogging for your readers 🙂
    Now I have to backtrack and find out what kind of laptop you bought.
    Aaron finally agreed that life would be much easier with a laptop…well for me anyways.

    Comment by Lesley on February 20, 2008
  31. You would think men would have more appreciation for the effort required in putting a bra on, considering how intimidated most of them are when it comes to figuring out how to take them off. =P Just sayin’.

    Dawn’s last blog post..oh be still my heart

    Comment by Dawn on February 20, 2008
  32. the request for helping to dress you…yours or the husbands? According to him, isn’t that evening program #3 in S.L. Hope you are feeling better. If not, try a mojito; it takes away all sorts of pains

    Comment by lan on February 20, 2008
  33. this is so so so so cute

    Comment by sara on May 4, 2010

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