the husband and i have this little game we play. it involves giving the other person absolutely ZERO sympathy when the person is sick or in pain. romantic, isn’t it? to be fair, i began this whole game. we weren’t even married yet and he was visiting me at my dad’s in Atlanta, came down with some nasty stomach flu bug…and instead of holding his hand while he barfed…i fled the scene. my emetophobia was in full swing, and there was no way i being party to any of it, lest i catch it.
ten years later and we are still playing. we both have busted right hands right now. His is likely a matching hook of the hamate problem (he had surgery on his left one last year) and mine is tendonitis. i have given him no sympathy and he has given me none as well. to be fair, he played HOCKEY last night. if he’s playing sports on his, he doesn’t get any (he does score major points because he took the kids to his parents yesterday so i could have a couple hours to myself! yay for family day!)
he’s playing hockey…and i’m typing lefty. i ask you…who should be getting the sympathy?! 😉
i swear, last night we went to dinner with the usuals and were having a great time (note to everyone: allowing your two besties to share a pitcher of mojitos is a GOOD idea) and i was all “lookatme! huzzah! my wrist is great! no pain! no swelling! totally WIZARD. all i had to do was stop using my $800 laptop! i’m cured!”
(it would be really sweet to NOT end up looking like this….just saying)
and then i woke up this morning. and couldn’t fucking move it. karma = bitch. and the husband, who is always a more-than-willing participant when it involves undressing me…had very little interest in helping to, um, dress me this morning.
shut up. you try putting on your bra when you have no mobility in your stronger hand.
i had to actually put it on backwards and slide it around. it was a very low, low moment for me. one that my children took great pleasure in watching me whine about.
so, if you will, take a minute to feel sorry for me this morning. it would be nice if someone would… also, if anyone wants to come and help me dress myself, it would be great appreciated. oh, also…if anyone wants to come and help me try on bathing suits this afternoon, i could probably use a hand…**
(**i’m sorry…this wasn’t an invitation to blog stalkers out there…it was meant for the likes of people i know…my sister, tova, ilana, haley-o…)
my kids are obsessed with the idea of getting a baby hedgehog.
fine, i’ll admit it…i’m not big on the whole pet thing…but those little suckers? adorable. after breakfast yesterday morning we stood outside the pet store watching the ferrets (ew) and the pugs crapping all over each other. (i HATE pet stores)
Emily: if we can’t get a hedgehog, what about a rabbit like Beamer?
Me: Emma, rabbits are a lot of work…and all they want to do is eat your carpet.
husband: kind of like husbands.