I currently have the full-time job I have because of this site right here.
That’s pretty sweet, if you ask me.
(See bloggers…it can be done!)
This space right here is not currently a money maker, unless, of course, you count the coffee money I get from running the two ads you might see on the top and in the right rail. In the interest of full disclosure, I take home a couple hundred dollars a month from those ads. Worth it, obviously, since there’s absolutely no work involved save for providing some prime real estate on my beautifully designed space on the web, and you get to see some lovely ads for Hidden Valley Ranch. Or something.
So, I don’t make money over here, per se. BUT, over the years I have cultivated some amazing relationships that have led to three jobs doing THIS—working in the world of blogging, online editing, social media, writing.
Dream come true, if you ask me.
Some other bloggy folks are living the dream as well, and some are making money the same way I am. But some are doing it differently—with online writing gigs, or freelance editorial jobs, or speaking engagements, or book deals, or writing product reviews, or being brand ambassadors, or writing advertorial. Here’s the thing: There’s no right or wrong way.
This is what works for me.
And it works so well. I get to continue to have this space to ramble on and tell my stories and continue my non-SEO friendly Seinfeld-ian way of writing—writing about nothing. And then, at the same time, I get to edit the work of other amazing and talented writers. I get to create relationship with unbelievable people. I get to hire fabulous bloggers. I get to research and create helpful resources, and I get to create great escape content, depending on the day.
But what I didn’t expect—and this is actually what the original point of my post was—was to spend so much of my day with a giant goofy grin on my face. I didn’t expect to just fall so in love with A CAREER. HighSchoolAli would have thought that a job was just a job. You know, something to GO to. But, then again, HighSchoolAli wore denim on denim and a lot of Doc Martens.
I mean, just yesterday, one of my lovely writers sent me A POEM that just had my peeing-in-my-pants laughing. I was trying to critique Rachel Berry’s prom dress (in the end the consensus is that YES, I absolutely love it) but I had to pause my television so I could read this poem out loud to get its full effect.
And I mean, just today, the email exchanges between the people I work with had me sitting in front of my laptop laughing OUT LOUD like a damn fool in front of no one but my dog and my husband’s bad taste in music. Because, you guys, somehow a conversation about a resource I am currently working on for Mother’s Day—a celebration of Canadian Mom Blogs—turned into a conversation about Jesus and about Mary being the first mom blogger and about how she didn’t need frankincense and myrrh—what she REALLY needed was a damn Diaper Genie.
And I mean, now I am going to use stencils and make myself a fancy rug because I really want to be HER when I grow up.
This is my life. It’s a really, really good one.
And I have this space to thank for it. I’m sure my family members who were like WHAT ON EARTH IS A BLAAAAAWG are kicking themselves for mocking me so much. See also: the friends who still don’t understand. But really, what I’m saying is, I’m so glad you’re here. I’m glad you’re reading. I hope you’ll still continue to read my drivel. Because there’s nothing I’d rather be doing right now.