this, friends, is my face, sans makeup. It took me a long time to get the make-up thing down…and yes, like a 6th grader, i still keep it all in a messy, messy bag.
over the years, i’ve discovered what i like. and i’m truly an easy girl to please. smashbox foundation, clinique powder, lancome hypnose mascara, MAC everything else. i’m easy. i’m a simple girl. i wear the same trifecta of eyeshadow but i’m okay with it. it works for me. it all works for me…
except when it comes to one thing.
my raccoon eyes.
you’re starting the see the resemblance now, aren’t you?!?1
HELP. i will pay anything to get rid of the BLACK underneath my poor eyes. I look like i haven’t slept in months or i’ve been beaten. or both. and i actually am sleeping these days.
(well, with the exception of last night when the combination of 1. my nasty-ass cold that forced me to drink coffee in the evening which soothed my aching, knives-in-the-throat BUT didn’t allow me to fall asleep until 2am and 2. Isabella’s hour-long SCREAMY, disoriented night terror while the husband was at hockey kept me up ALL night)
(do any of your kids get night terrors? Emily had them when she turned 3. and now Isabella gets them. just weeks after she turned 3. is this, like, a magic age? i’m telling you – these things are scary, scary shit)
anyway, back to my problem of the moment.
(speaking of problems…
guess what’s back?? and guess what i’ve already had two of?? and guess who is going to bankrupt herself at starbucks?? oh, um, hi…ME. that’s it, you hear it here. it’s going to be all Tim Horton’s for at least a month. or week. because i’m WEAK.) (also weird? yesterday they charged me $3.25 for a grande and today they charged me $5.05? huh?)
so HELP me.
recommend something for my sorry-ass looking under-eye areas.
(also. on a completely unrelated note…NEVER take exlax. seriously…those girls in high school who popped laxatives for sport??! and by sport, i mean, because they had eating disorders…and don’t get me started on the girls who ate SPRINKLES…you know, like, the ice cream topping, and that’s it because it gave them the sugar energy they needed to make it through the day but very few calories. yes, they shared this information with me while i ate my dunkin donuts. mmm…dunkin donuts…heh. i’m all TANGENTY today, eh?? anyway, why anyone would willingly take a laxative is beyond me. because you’re all…hey, this totally isn’t working at all…and then??! HOLY SHIT. literally.)
hrm. have i scared you away yet?
also? my baby girl started nursery this morning. this is old hat for her..she went two mornings a week last year to a pre-nursery program.
last year first day of school:
so, Isabella shoved through all the crying kids this morning, barely said goodbye and was on her merry way. this kid LOVES school.
heh. same backpack!!