I have to say, I’m not feeling the Survivor love this season. It’s quite possibly because I actually enjoyed Dolly, and am sorry to see her go. I can’t stress this enough – i will not watch this show if all there is to watch is Twila, Scout and a bunch of old men.
But, Dolly was dumb. You never give out any more information than you need to. Never tell people you are the swing vote – it can only come back to bite you in the ass. Never tell people who the target is. If eliza never knew that she was getting voted out and that Dolly may or may not have been voting with the old women/lesbians, she never would have switched sides to vote to poor little sheep farmer off. I have to admit, though, that was a gutsy and fantastic move on Eliza’s part. all the other young’ins are going to kick her ass, but she didn’t get voted out.