September 19 07

oh, why yes, that IS a signed copy of her program. signed by the boy who played Troy Bolton.

oh, why yes, that IS a picture of my daughter and the boy who played Troy Bolton!!

ah…good times. i must say, i’ve been mocking this High School Musical tour thing pretty much since i bought the tickets. and i’d gone into hardcore mock ever since i saw the real Troy Bolton, Mr. Zach Efron himself, wear capri jeans and pink shoes in High School Musical 2.

i know it’s hard to see…but you are just going to have to trust me on this one. it’s bad, bad, bad, bad. capris for god’s sake!

but, i didn’t hate it.

(as she hangs her head in shame…)

it was about 1000 times better than the movie. and the only part i didn’t enjoy was Emily, sitting on my lap, whispering all the things that were different in the movie. She didn’t deal well with the changes.

but she had a great time. she was up and dancing and singing and clapping. I loved seeing her THAT happy. she spends so much of her existence being a teenager and being moody and unhappy…that is was nice to spend 3 hours with her where didn’t complain, didn’t whine, and was, well, she was gleeful. my daughter was full of glee.

and lest you think that Joshie got the shaft…he got to go with his daddy to the Jays game, where he caught a ball and scored himself a new hat.












congrats to Dick. no one freakin’ cares.

come on over to Fabulous today to see my newest professional shots of the kids. i use the term professional loosely. very loosely.

  1. You say you’re not lucky! As if! Your husband must have some serious lucky genes. Your kid met Troy Bolton and your other kid caught a fly ball. That’s just awesome. 🙂

    Comment by chantal on September 19, 2007
  2. Fun! I was at the Jays game too last night but alas, I didn’t catch any foul balls.

    Comment by Steph on September 19, 2007
  3. What about Bella though?

    You guys are awesome parents, on a tuesday night .. a musical for the girl and baseball for the boy – I don’t think it gets any better than that for kids!

    Comment by Sarah on September 19, 2007
  4. Oh that is SO much fun! We spent last night eating hotdogs on the school lawn with our kids, so they had a big outing too – just SMALL TOWN style.

    Comment by Rebecca on September 19, 2007
  5. I believe they are called “man-pris” in the biz!
    But pink shoes, there’s no excuse!!

    Comment by Cristan on September 19, 2007
  6. I get I’m not in the High School Musical target market, but when did it become en vogue for guys to start dressing like girls…or the way girls used to dress when I was in high school, that is.

    I recall having a pair of capri pants and a pair of pink shoes in the tenth grade.

    Comment by Stacy on September 19, 2007
  7. Well now, that just looks like fun for everyone;) I am not buyin’ the manpris!

    Comment by Cynthia on September 19, 2007
  8. my daughter too, would LOVE it… I think it would be better as well, but still… I question if I would REALLY even want to go… hmmm…
    you are brave.

    Comment by misty on September 19, 2007
  9. Oh my daughter would be so jealous!

    Comment by M&Co. on September 19, 2007
  10. OMG you have to look in your program and tell me if the actor playing Ryan (that’s the snotty brother of the brother-sister duo, right?) is Bobby List. Because if it is, then you totally just saw one of my former best friends on-stage. (We were super good friends in middle school and then he went to high school and made cooler friends and forgot about me completely. So, uh, yeah. Kind of an asshole. But I’m happy that he’s happy and all that.)

    Comment by Audrey on September 19, 2007
  11. You guys must be parents of the year!!!

    As for Dick – he can suck it! Literally!! Such a non-interesting finale.

    Comment by FENICLE on September 19, 2007
  12. You seriously are the coolest parents!
    And your kiddies are too damn cute!! 🙂

    Comment by Michele on September 19, 2007
  13. Wow! My kids are lucky if they go to the park.

    Comment by loren on September 19, 2007
  14. EXCUSE ME? I CARE that DICK ONE! You biatch — you SO know that! 😉 Emily must have been in HEAVEN the whole night! Sooo exciting for her!

    Comment by haley-o on September 20, 2007
  15. So, I’m entirely late in reading this, but just ahd to say Taylor will DIE with jealousy if I showed her these pics!! She is in full obsession with High School Musical. Although, she doesn’t do well with change either – we saw the parade in Disneyland a few weeks ago and she was acting all weird and said to me after that they weren’t the people from the movie!

    Glad you all had a good time! (they have the show on ice here – is that weird, or is it just me?!)

    Comment by Sara on September 25, 2007
  16. […] because i really could use some coffee. i’m tired this morning from spending my evening at the Gruff Rhys concert. (that’s pronounced griff reese for those of you not in the Welsh know) and people watching. apparently, some interesting people like Gruff and the Super Furry Animals. some men who wear capri pants. and we know how much i like men in manpris. also…there were some crazy couples robot-dancing. […]

    Pingback by Cheaper Than Therapy on September 26, 2007
  17. […] well, she doesn’t have to worry, because NO ONE wants to share that cd with her. at least it’s not the dvd; I don’t have to look at the manpris on Zac Efron… […]

    Pingback by Cheaper Than Therapy on December 11, 2007
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