Going to sleepover camp.
Giving up Diet Coke.
Spending a year in Israel the year after I graduated high school.
Going back to my natural hair color.
Having my first baby when I was young and stupid.
Having two more babies.
Becoming a Mac person. (iSad. Truly. The world has lost an amazing person.RIP Steve Jobs.)
Buying our teeny tiny condo when we couldn’t afford it.
Writing Cheaper Than Therapy.
Writing anything.
Buying my first DSLR camera.
Having Ms.. Baker in 10th grade English.
Becoming the yearbook editor my senior year in high school.
Getting help for my emetophobia.
Realizing that I will never be a runner.
Trying sushi for the first time.
Buying my confidence glasses.
Some are more sliding-door than others. If I hadn’t gone to sleepover camp, I never would have found my husband. If I hadn’t spent a year in Israel, I never would have found myself.
Some are more practical; they involve home-ownership and career paths.
Some are more passion-finding; they involve the things I love.
Some are health-related.
And sometimes it’s simply the decision to stop being a fake blond.
(This was inspired by this post by one of the loveliest people on the planet.)
Now. Go on. Tell me yours.Â