This morning I walked three kids through the doors of the neighborhood community center.
Emily was all sleepy-eyed, asking questions about LOST. “So, the black smoke came to be because the dude got pushed into the golden cave, right?”
Josh was all wide-eyed, showing me pictures from the issue of National Geographic that he had in his hands. “Monkeys, Mama! MONKEYS!”
Isabella was all doe-eyed, convincing me that she actually does need to wear a sweater to camp. “I know it’s 150 degrees outside, but sometimes, Mama, you just need a sweater. You just do.”
They are funny, they are quirky, they are different, they are weird, they march to their own drummers.
They are smart, they are kind, they are compassionate, they are sweet, they are spunky, they ask a lot of questions.
I thought to myself
And it’s perfect. A perfect lot. I wouldn’t want it any different. Ever.
I am so lucky to be their mama.