October 7 08

thing #1…remember way back last May when we found Isabella’s bunny eaten and ripped to shreds in our backyard? well, we have bunnygate part deux going on at our place. this time, however, instead of only bones, it was just the bunny, slashed and dead. something tells me we won’t have many bunnies coming back to visit. something also tells me it’s time to move.

thing #2…i pretty much couldn’t pay Emily to drink milk in any form and Josh really only has milk in cereal..but Miss Bella? she would gladly give up her three squares a day for milk and only milk. but, see, the thing is, she discovered the beauty that is chocolate milk some time ago. and in an effort to get her to drink LESS milk (people need to stop scaring me about the hormones in milk. i am now terrified that my child is going to have 34Ds at the age of 7) i began mixing chocolate milk and skim milk. and then i began upping and upping the skim milk…until it was just milk. no chocolate to be found. and get this? she still calls it chocolate milk. it’s the BEST scam ever.


thing #3…Emily has a spelling test every single Thursday. she comes home with a list of words on Monday and is encouraged to review them and practice them all week until Thursday. and we did, until last week, when she held a full-on protest and refused to study for said spelling test. i decided to allow it (because fighting with her was proving futile) and i figured that she’d be really unhappy with herself when she didn’t do well on the test (i mean, she IS my daughter after all – we are perfectionist AND we like to be the BEST) and then next week she’d want to study.

so, yesterday she brought home her spelling test. the one she didn’t study for. 100%. A+. way to go, Emily! Keep up the good work! so, yes, my daughter aced her test. but didn’t learn a thing…well, other than the fact that her mom’s a chump and that she basically has no need to study for another spelling test. neener, neener.


thing #4…it was 3 degrees this morning (which is roughly, um, 37ish?) holy shit. it’s winter. *weeps* i AM, however, wearing my new fancy red tights. HOT.

thing #5i want to make out with Sephora. i went in with a list that y’all helped me make. a list of options to help me hide my raccoon eyes.

and the lovely lady there assured me that the darkness under my eyes was in no way my fault. and she promised me that she could solve the problem by fixing it, instead of covering it up.

and she highly recommended two products to me.


which are nice and pricey. the bottom one is $100. for a tube the size of my pinky. and this was where i really wanted to kiss her. because she said to me, “now, i know you are going to love this one. and you are going to want to buy it…but i would never want to sell you this product for $100 and have you take it home and have it do nothing for you. so, i’ll give you some tubs to take home” and then she proceeded to squeeze pretty well the entire contents of the tube into a little sample for me to take home. FOR FREE.

god, i love free things.

now if a pumpkin spice latte from Starbucks would just miraculously appear on my desk…i’d be in heaven…

  1. Roenick would be positive you had a chupacabra living near your house, killing bunnies, sucking their blood and leaving the carcass. lol Yes, this is the world in which I live.

    Comment by AJ on October 7, 2008
  2. Wow, $100? That thing better make me look like Angelina Jolie for that price. Liquid gold.

    I love your daughter’s headband…and your gorgeous hair. My hair is a similar color but way curly and frizzy unless I spend time doing stuff to it, which I rarely have the patience to do.

    Congrats on your daughter’s stellar spelling!!

    I’ve been buying organic milk a lot, even though it’s a little more expensive…

    Comment by Rhea on October 7, 2008
  3. And the pictures of these red tights would be… where?

    Miss Britts last blog post..Declare Yourself

    Comment by Miss Britt on October 7, 2008
  4. Someone named Me is going to be going downstairs to Sephora during her break this morning at the bookstore and chit chat the help! I am down with the free samples! I should make my list of woes!

    Would your daughter consider tutoring my son on the whole spelling thing. It’s a battle..sigh…

    differentkindofgirls last blog post..‘hide away folk family, or else someone’s gonna get ya’

    Comment by differentkindofgirl on October 7, 2008
  5. It was a shock to wake up to 3C this morning!! Brrrr!

    Teena in Torontos last blog post..Microsoft Office Specialist Master Instructor Certification

    Comment by Teena in Toronto on October 7, 2008
  6. Okay YEA! For free stuff.

    Eww about the bunny…My grandma’s cat used to leave her dead bunnies on her porch. I found one she left there once and OH. MY. GOD. Sick.

    The milk thing is genius and your daughter acing the test? Also genius, and scary. Good luck.

    KD @ A Bit Squirrells last blog post..Hi Headache? We need to talk.

    Comment by KD @ A Bit Squirrell on October 7, 2008
  7. The chocolate milk thing =AWESOME.

    Also, my understanding was the Canada has much higher standards for what can and can’t be put into their milk compared to the US. As in no artificial growth hormones. Am I wrong? I’ve just moved to the states and am feeling so nervous about the milk here. I’m making sure to buy organic milk but I still feel a bit anxious about it!

    Shannons last blog post..Not That It Happened To Me Monday: The Photos With Strangers Edition

    Comment by Shannon on October 7, 2008
  8. We found 2 baby bunny heads in our backyard-yes, just the heads (and some gross internal organ too which I couldn’t quite make out), and we had to get rid of them quickly or else the kids would have found them and been traumatized for life. They were from our little bunny posse that lived under the kids’ slide in the backyard, and I’m convinced it was a raccoon hunting at night that discovered the nest. Don’t ask me why just the head was left though…puke!

    Comment by Amberlea on October 7, 2008
  9. She’ll figure she needs to study once the words get hard enough. I have the Monday-Thursday spelling routine too. I don’t encourage the kids to study if they don’t need to. I don’t discourage it either though.

    Heathers last blog post..My Mom is a WINNER!

    Comment by Heather on October 7, 2008
  10. Wow. Adorable. BOTH of you. And free samples rock. Do not tell me about 3 degrees because that is just wrong. 🙁 I’m not ready for autumn to leave me yet.

    Keris last blog post..Weekend!

    Comment by Keri on October 7, 2008
  11. I’d rather looks like this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Raccoons

    than buy a squirt of paste for $100.

    Comment by Giblet on October 7, 2008
  12. It is great the you lucked up on the most generous Sephora lady. Freebies are the best! And congrats to your little on for the 100% on the test and foiling momma’s plan.

    Renée aka Mekhismoms last blog post..Education is the Key for the Future

    Comment by Renée aka Mekhismom on October 7, 2008
  13. Holy shit! Free stuff from Sephora? Hook me up..

    Michelles last blog post..Bias = finding hidden meaning

    Comment by Michelle on October 7, 2008
  14. you need to let me know if it works!

    Beccas last blog post..For your viewing pleasure today

    Comment by Becca on October 7, 2008
  15. Hooray for freebies! I hear you on the cold…hence the sweater today.

    Angellas last blog post..Colou(red)

    Comment by Angella on October 7, 2008
  16. I could not handle the bunny slaying. Reminds me of Fatal Attraction. I still cringe at that part of the movie. STILL.

    And. I have never had a pumpkin spice latte. I don’t think I’ve ever had a latte, first of all, but there’s something about the idea of a pumpkin spice latte that makes me feel a bit queasy. LOL!

    Comment by mamatulip on October 7, 2008
  17. Oh, Em. Em, Em, Em. That picture is priceless and well illustrates your story =)

    Another reason I’m like Emily? I hate, hate, hate milk. I’ll drink it in coffee and in cereal, but never plain–not even with Oreos!

    What on Earth is prowling your backyard eating all the bunnies?

    Camels & Chocolates last blog post..La Lohan & the Lesbian Brigade

    Comment by Camels & Chocolate on October 7, 2008
  18. 1. Guess who else HATES milk?

    2. I’ve used the Kinerase- it is awesome.

    slynnros last blog post..Because I’m just that helpful.

    Comment by slynnro on October 7, 2008
  19. I have the dark under-circles too (damn olive skin) so please let me know how the Kinerase works!!

    La Petite Chics last blog post..Thrifty Tips from La Petite Chic

    Comment by La Petite Chic on October 7, 2008
  20. I drank tons of milk growing up. And I still do. My tatas? Not huge. So there you go.

    heather…s last blog post..Puss and Puffer Fish

    Comment by heather... on October 7, 2008
  21. Damn… your daughter played you. I hate when they do that.

    Let me know if the under eye stuff starts working!

    Misss last blog post..She keeps inviting me back….

    Comment by Miss on October 7, 2008
  22. 3 degrees? That blows. It was a lovely 15 on this side.

    Captain Dumbasss last blog post..She Let You Do What?

    Comment by Captain Dumbass on October 7, 2008
  23. Good Lord 100 bucks! Yay for free stuff…well done:)

    Nap Wardens last blog post..Cold, Wet, & Miserable…

    Comment by Nap Warden on October 7, 2008
  24. What do you think of the Kinerase? I’ve been googling this morning and one of the recommendations was to cut out carbs completely and they’ll go away. Um, no.

    Nics last blog post..Happy birthday to me!

    Comment by Nic on October 8, 2008
  25. You know…I hate to admit this but when I cut all grains out of our family diet the dark circles disappeared from all of our eyes. :*( Damn delicious bread…

    Comment by Cage Free Family on October 8, 2008
  26. Why doesn’t that stuff happen to me.. ?? You have to share if it works.. or at least point us in the direction of the awesome sales lady!!

    Kims last blog post..Hi, My name is Kim. I am NOT Perfect.

    Comment by Kim on October 8, 2008
  27. When I was a kid, I hated milk. I would never drink it. Now I can’t get enough of the stuff.

    My SIL switched to the organic milk for like weeks for my niece because she was scared my niece would get her period in kindergarten. But then she hated paying like $6 for a gallon of milk and just figured she’d stock up on pads and tampons.

    Kristabellas last blog post..I Need A Little Sassy Kay In My Life*

    Comment by Kristabella on October 9, 2008

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