This week was Josh’s 7th birthday, so we did what any normal parents would do…We took nine kids on the Atlanta Marta (which included three train transfers) and took them down to the Thrashers vs. Bluejackets game. yeah, NORMAL.
(there were two more kids, but you try getting them all to sit down for more than 2.5 seconds)
We opted for popcorn and candy and Bakugon goodie bags instead of cake or cupcakes.
Because we can never do anything normal. Normal people chose one of those indoor party places where they do all the work for you and write a check (or cheque, if you live in Canada) out to the place and just, well, SHOW UP on party day. oh no, not the Martells. we go against the grain.
Just because. And because I hope that one day Josh will be all, “Hey, remember that time my RIDICULOUSLY AWESOME MOM threw me a Thrashers birthday party and had my name come up on the screen?”
(only his name didn’t actually come up on the screen…we just told him that it did and that he missed it because he was having too much fun with his friends)
(but, SHHH. don’t tell)
Last week was Halloween, so we did what any normal parents would do…We took a Stephanie from LazyTown, a BobaFett, and a DorothyfromKansas to the bowling alley for some costume-y bowling action. Yeah, NORMAL.
(ps. The only place I am a good bowler is on the Wii. Yes. Yes, I realize I am an embarrassment to my cheesehead roots)
Just because. And because I hope that one day the kids will be all, “Hey, remember that Halloween where our RIDICULOUSLY AWESOME MOM took us bowling in our costumes?”