Happiness is spending 2 hours at the doggie ER and having them tell you that Indiana is going to be OKAY. Also, a night with no vomiting. Also, getting him to take his meds. YES. yes. yes. yes. yes
Happiness is catching your daughter in a moment. one of those my-chubby-toddler-is-no-longer-a-toddler moments.
Happiness is not feeling bad about making ridiculous confessions about irons and small wieners.
Happiness is the return of Gossip Girl, even though I am disturbed by all the hair changes…Nate, Dan, Rufus, even Eric. It’s like they had a soft water problem on set. or something.
Happiness is totally buying a plaid shirt just to be able to look like a farmer when you, you know, are actually FARMING.
No, I am not kidding. Not only did I don my lab coat and glasses and safety boots and hard hat to go into the McCain french fry facility…but I was out there ON THE FRIGGIN’ HARVESTER machine. and, now I totally want to own a potato farm of my own.
you can totally see it, right? FarmerAli.
Happiness is trying on legging jeans with your sister in Bloomingdale’s and laughing so hard that your cheek muscles ached, because it may or may not have taken TWO of you to hike those puppies up. (ps. I might buy a pair. don’t you judge me)
Happiness is a giant McVanilla Latte, especially after being forced to drink the shitty Best Western coffee. That was so elegantly served to us in mini styrofoam cups (CLASSY!)
Happiness is the moment right before the trouble begins
Happiness is capturing THE ANGST to bribe her with in the future. or to let her steal so she can make fun of herself on her blog. hello, bershon!
Happiness is the look on your son’s face after he got his THIRD huge hit to help his team win the game.
Happiness is finally deciding to learn how to use your fancy-pants coffeemaker.
Happiness is finding a $10 bill your jeans this morning so you can splurge on that grande nonfat pumpkin spice latte with only one pump (because otherwise…too sweet) and promising yourself that you can learn to use the fancy-pants coffeemaker tomorrow.